A friend sent me this one...feel free to take it to your own blog and fill in the blanks!
Four jobs I have had in my life...
1. bus girl/hostess/foodrunner at a local pub
2. nanny
3. teacher
4. writer
Four movies I would watch over and over (no matter if they are on crappy TV and cut up): (Not in any order)
1. A League of Their Own
2. When Harry Met Sally
3. Juno
4. Silence of the Lambs
Four places I have lived:
1. New York
2. New Jersey
3. Massachusetts
4. California
Four TV Shows that I watch (right now):
1. Lost
2. Survivor
3. American Idol (I know, I know, but my friends at work watch it and if I don't, I'm left out of the lunch conversation!)
4. Grey's Anatomy
Four places I have been (that i love):
1. Cape Cod
2. Outer Banks of NC
3. Ireland
4. Eastern Shore of MD
Four People who e-mail me (regularly):
1. Melissa :)
2. Anne
3. Whitney
4. Dennise (she does our "death notices" at work!!)
Four favorite things to eat:
1. Crab
2. Lasagna
3. Ice Cream (let's face it, this is #1)
4. clam chowder
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. beach
2. Ireland
3. South Africa
4. ski slopes
Four things I am looking forward to this year:
1. BY retreat in April
2. Trip to CA in June
3. The possibility of my cousins moving to NY from London
4. Central Park Triathlon
Thursday, February 14, 2008
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