Saturday, February 04, 2006

fun night

Well, he passed the test. He seemed to enjoy his first Nields show and said as much afterwards. There was an opening act tonight...a little to folk-y even for me, so I felt bad for T. However, he laughed and N&K's jokes and seemed to like the music--apparently his favorite was This Happens Again and Again off-mic. He smiled as he met N after the show and told her it was a great show. (Yes, A, I said hi for you. I tried to hide--5th row middle, surrounded by people, but she has some sort of freaky radar and spotted me the moment she stepped out of the dressing room. T thought it was hilarious.)

So yeah, I have no idea what this is, and no idea when/if I'll find out that it's something or nothing. For now, I guess I'll just enjoy that a boy is driving 80ish minutes each ways and insists on paying 90% of the time.

chair in a moment of thought to remember the good (this happens..., nerissa&katryna)


Melissa said...

Woohoo! :) I was thinking of you and wondering how the date went. N. totally has radar ... I was at a show recently and she came out from the back to go to the bathroom and she zoned right in on me! It was really funny.

Melissa said...

What happened to the hair cutting post??

kris said...

Melissa, blogger's eaten 3 of my last 4 or 5 posts. I'm very sad about it!