Friday, April 28, 2006

friday, people, party time!

Ahhhhhhhhhh, Friday at last. Since I do believe our friend *A* is motoring her way from Philly to the great town of Northampton, MA, I'll kick off our Friday shuffle this week. Let's have a little fun!

OK, on with the show. You know the rules: put the old digitial music player on shuffle. Report back the first ten songs it spits out. NO APRON WRINGING! Here goes...

1. goodnight, l.a. (hard candy)--counting crows
2. say goodbye to hollywood (essential collection)--billy joel
3. easy people (live from northampton)--the nields
4. fall on me (cry cry cry)--cry, cry, cry
5. the one who knows (beauty of the rain)--dar williams
6. before i fall (linda eder)--linda eder
7. seven years (come away with me)--norah jones
8. love me one more time (love and china)--nerissa and katryna nields
9. sarah maria (gorilla)--james taylor
10. someone like me (jekyll and hyde soundtrack)--linda eder
bonus track: this town is wrong (live from northampton)--the nields

General Thoughts: a lot of my favorite artists. clearly, my iPod agrees with me about L.A.! it's also a relatively mellow list...nothing too rockin'

Seen Live: billy joel, the nields, the pieces of cry, cry, cry, dar williams, linda eder

Favorite Song: i can't possibly leave out easy people as i said last week. but someone like you is a favorite as well.

Least Favorite Song: love me one more time is just a little too twangy for my liking.

Favorite Album(s): live from northampton has a crazy mix of songs. i really love it

Memory Trigger: my friend sara was named after the song sarah maria (her middle name is also maria), so i always think of her when i hear it. i just love the song.

Best Song for a Long Car Ride: for the sheer fun of it, i'll go with this town is wrong because i love to sing along with it. however, someone like you lets me cut loose and belt a little, so that's a fave as well!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

midweek musings

After a fabulous, if not exhausting, weekend and a work-week that is trying my patience and sanity (but in a "good" way), I am looking forward to a great weekend in western MA. I'm thrilled to hang out with *A* after months of an internet friendship ;) , and it'll be great to hang out with kj as well! But that isn't the only reason that I'm looking forward to being out of my house this weekend.

My landlord/roommate (the one with the grill from last week) has had our stove removed...but hasn't replaced it. I'm a little annoyed and AWP suggested this weekend that I take food $$ off my next rent payment since I've had to eat out. LC (the landlord/roommate) has been just fine to live with and around for the last 10 months. More and more, though, she is living up to those blonde locks of hers. She's just superficial and ditzy and irritating more and more.

Our other roommate CB, who is 21 and a lot of fun, is moving out. She is still in undergrad and is itching to travel and see more of the world. She is going to live with her aunt in CO this summer and will return to MA in the fall, but hopes to study abroad in the next year/year and a half. Anyway, her plan was to move out on May 15. She decided to ask LC if she could just pay 1/2 rent for the month of May (we're talking a difference of $300 here). After thinking about it overnight, LC said that, due to the fact that she'd just bought another property (to fix up and rent), she had really been counting on CB's May rent. But...if it was going to ruin their friendship, create hard feelings or REALLY be financially difficult for CB, then she could take the 1/2 rent.

Either you need the $$ or you don't. And you haven't replaced our stove yet! And it's not our fault that you just over extended yourself by buying another property. So, CB informed me last night that she'll be moving out this weekend. Thereby screwing LC out of the whole month of May's rent. While I agree with CB, I really don't feel like being around. She's going to try to pack up and move out Saturday while LC is at work.

So yeah, sleeping in Noho sounds like a much better plan.

Monday, April 24, 2006


Ahhhhh..."spring" in New England. 80 degrees last week, 40s and rain today and all weekend long. Real nice.

While AWP missed her plane, and every Southwest flight to Hartford, Providence AND Manchester was oversold for the ENTIRE weekend, she did take the overnight Amtrak in the end (I do appreciate my friends). I picked her up at 7 AM on Saturday morning (ouch) and we proceeded with our weekend. Saturday morning was shot, b/c she needed to get some sleep, but the rest of the weekend went as planned. Life does work out in the end.

The show on Saturday night was, of course, fabulous. Some good fun and I look forward to Falcon Ridge even more now. Plus, they played Cool in the Backseat which is just FUN. And Easy People off-mic--is there anything prettier?

OK, back to work...I'm still a little exhausted from the craziness of the weekend, but I'll bounce back. If only the weather would bail me out a little bit!

Friday, April 21, 2006

how quickly things change

It appears AWP missed her flight. Now who comes to the show with me?

finally friday

Before I get started, can I just say that a sucky, stressful, annoying week (where to top it off, your computer dies!) can be fixed with wonderful friends? Between cake and the company of coworkers I truly enjoy and who make feel cared for and my friend AWP arriving this evening for a weekend of celebration, good company and a little bit of Nields, I am having a lovely Friday.

(Gross sidebar: I arrived home yesterday to find my roommate cooking for 2 guys. These 2 guys have been around a lot this week. Said roommate (also the landlord) hasn't been wearing much clothing during their visits. Anyway, this is the same roommate/landlord who broke the stove 3 weeks ago and still hasn't replaced it, so we can't cook. Apparently, she pulled the grill out of the shed (where it's been since Oct.) to cook dinner. In the grill was living a family of mice. MICE, people. Some alive some not so much alive. They removed the mice, fired up the grill and COOKED ON IT. Without cleaning the grill. And were surprised when I passed on the burgers and steak.)

OK, on with the show. You know the rules: put the old digitial music player on shuffle. Report back the first ten songs it spits out. No skipping, apologizing or rationalizing.Here goes... let the record show that blogger ate my first playlist. So I'm taking it as a sign.

1. Easy People off-mic (Live from Baltimore)--Nerissa and Katryna Nields
2. It's Only Love (Help!)--The Beatles
3. Here Comes the Sun (Gold)--Linda Eder
4. As Cool As I Am (Mortal City)--Dar Williams
5. New Frontier (Hard Candy)--Counting Crows
6. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah (Disney's Greatest Hits 3)--Song of the South
7. A New Life (Jekyll and Hyde)--Linda Eder
8. Badlands (Live 1975-1985)--Bruce Springsteen
9. Don't Rain on My Parade (Broadway, My Way)--Linda Eder
10. It Happens Everyday (Green World)--Dar Williams

General Thoughts: Really REALLY eclectic list. I see that my iPod is showing my inner Broadway ballad loving-self today.

Seen Live: Nerissa and Katryna, Linda Eder, Dar Williams, Jekyll and Hyde (btw, A, I just bought tickets for the May 2 spring concert...guster!!!!)

Favorite Song: Can't possibly choose between Easy People (which is probably on my top 5 favorite songs of all-time list) and It Happens Everyday.

Least Favorite Song: Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah!

Favorite Album(s): I think I have to go with Broadway, My Way. Linda Eder's voice is amazing and incredible. She gives such life to her songs and performaces.

Memory Trigger: Jekyll and Hyde was the first Broadway show that *I* chose to see. For a few years, my family would go to a show as a way to celebrate my dad's birthday and mine, since we're a day apart. Everyone moaned and groaned about my choice, until we got to the theater. To this day, it's my favorite "traditional" Broadway's breathtaking and powerful and amazing.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

is it friday yet?

This week has been NUTS...I don't feel like I've caught up on any aspect of life since going home for Easter. To top it off, my laptop is having a meltdown...I'll be spending some time on the phone with Dell support tonight. Work has been crazy busy and Friday can't come fast enough. Plus, I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow with a doctor I've never met. Always a little nerve-wracking.

Nerissa asked me the other night how much I'd written altogether of Sara's (my) story. So I typed it up, in official 12 pt., double spaced font, as she instructed. 23 pages. And I think I'm missing a piece or 2. Pretty weird to see it all in one place. It's a bit disjointed and I wasn't sure about the order of some of it, but whatever. Also, some pieces are decidedly stronger than others (hey, I'm not in Big Yellow, so it's not apron-wringing).

hear me, heathens and wizards and serpents of sin, all your dasterdly doings are past (man of la mancha, linda eder)

Monday, April 17, 2006

monday shuffle?

I'm exhausted and off to Noho (we had 30 for Easter dinner and people didn't leave until midnight), but I missed Friday, so here we go, kids!

Okay, you know the rules. But here they are again just in case: Put your digital music player on shuffle and report back the first ten tracks it plays. No skipping, apologizing or rationalizing (even if "We Built this City" comes up. Phew. I'm off the hook again today...).

Here's the jig:

1. Facade: Reprise (Jekyll and Hyde Soundtrack) -- Cast
2. My Friends (End of Summer)--Dar Williams
3. Jeremy Newborn Street (If You Lived Here, You'd Be Home Now) -- The Nields
4. Just Like Christopher Columbus (Bob on the Ceiling) -- The Nields
5. Gentle Soldier of My Soul (Drum, Hat, Buddha) -- Dave Carter and Tracy Grammer
6. Omaha (August and Everything After) -- Counting Crows
7. Uptown Girl (Essential Collection) -- Billy Joel
8. Heading Home (Love & China) -- Nerissa and Katryna Nields
9. What Was I Thinking? (Live at the Cactus Cafe) -- Christine Lavin
10. Spirit In The Night (Live 1975-1985) -- Bruce Springsteen

General Thoughts: My iPod still likes the Nields, but not as much this week. It's a list that's a little more eclectic, more reflective of my musical taste.

Seen Live: Jekyll and Hyde, Dar, The Nields, Tracy Grammer, Billy Joel (Christine Lavin will be added at FRFF!)

Favorite Song: Hmmm...What Was I Thinking? is always good for a laugh. Gentle Soldier of My Soul is just beautiful.

Least Favorite Song: Probably Spirit by Bruce.

Favorite Album: Billy Joel's Essential Collection has it faves from Piano Man to You're My Home to Miami 2017 and Captain Jack.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

weekend review

Even though my plans for today fell through, it's been a delightful weekend.

Friday I headed into Boston after work. AL, S and I went out for AL's birthday dinner. Back to AL's for the night to play with the puppy, watch some TLC and laugh a lot.

Yesterday we went for lunch and ice cream and played with the dog. Our friend AT had invited us over for dinner with a group of friends from college. It was so nice to catch up and be surrounded by people who, though we hadn't all been together in years, could still make you laugh and smile and feel completely at home. Birthday party for a coworker late last night at a bar in downtown Boston...really crowded, really loud, but had fun for the hour or 2 that I was there.

And as for today? Well, I was up at 8, showered and went to 9 AM mass. Then, my trip to CT was called off. Maybe I'll do laundry?

Friday, April 07, 2006

chowder day! (and tunes)

I love Friday. Friday is the end of the week, Friday is for random tunes, and Friday, at HC, is chowder day. A big cup of clam chowder makes everything better!

It's time for a Random Friday once again. Here are a couple of rules: Get out your digital music player and hit shuffle. Report back the first ten songs it spits out. No skipping or rationalizing or "apron-wringing."

Here are the tunes:
1. Be Nice to Me (Bob on the Ceiling)--The Nields
2. Spring Street (Dar Williams)--Out There Live
3. Cowards (Abigail)--The Nields
4. Caroline Dreams (If You Lived Here, You'd Be Home Now)--The Nields
5. Love Me One More Time (Love and China)--Nerissa and Katryna Nields
6. As Cool As I Am (Mortal City)--Dar Williams (with n&k as backup!)
7. Friday at the Circle K (Play)--The Nields
8. Yield (Become You)--Indigo Girls
9. Angels of the Silences (Recovering the Satellites)--Counting Crows
10. Living It Up in the Garden with Shortest Day intro (FRFF '01)--The Nields

General Thoughts: Clearly, my iPod is trying to tell me something. Draw your own conclusions...but I'm a little disturbed.

Seen Live: The Nields, Dar Williams, Nerissa and Katryna Nields, Indigo Girls

Favorite Song: Hmmm...maybe As Cool As I Am since it's just so much fun. "I am the other!"

Least Favorite Song: Love Me One More Time. No contest...I can get behind many of Nerissa's alt-country tunes, but this just isn't one of them.

Favorite Album: Tough choice, but I'm going to say the Nields' HOME album. It's such a balanced mix of rock/pop/folk/country with only one song I consistently skip. It kicks off well with JNS and ends on the right note with the laughter of I Still Believe in My Friends.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

grumpy, grouchy, grey tuesday

The weather reflects my foul mood. New Gilmore Girls tonight, though (my only long-term appointment television). Also, I look at the next few weekends and see that I won't be taking a breath for a LONG time, but in a good way. This weekend, I'll be celebrating the birthdays of 2 good friends. Next weekend, it's home for Easter (and home cooking!). The following weekend, we celebrate my birth with a weekend-long visit from a D.C. friend and the last Nields show before maternity leave. The last weekend in April brings WIUITG friends to town--possibly *N* and definitely *A*! Plus, Tracy Grammer at the Iron Horse! The first weekend in May, I fly to L.A. for 4 days. Whew! However, it does brighten my grumpy day a bit to know how many fabulous friends are in the immediate future.

(Edit at 6:17 PM--now it's SNOWING!)

But, yesterday was Monday. So y'all know what that means! This one is short b/c I couldn't get it going (no, that's NOT apron wringing!), but it did get a good laugh from the group, so I guess it's a to be continued...
When she left New York, Sara's parents stood at the gate, waving until she disappeared into the crowd. When she landed in California, her eyes searched frantically for the strangers who were meeting her there. Fairly quickly, she spotted a girl holding a piece of paper that read "Sara McGee." Sara was not a shy person, but in that moment, she wanted to turn tail and run. Instead, she took a deep breath, plastered a smile on her face and walked over to the girl with the sign.

Her name was Alex and she introduced Sara to her parents. They collected Sara's luggage and piled into the car. Sara would be spending the night at Alex's house and the next day, the 2 of them would head out to a kick-off retreat with the rest of the teaching program. As they approached Alex's house, her mother asked if Sara liked cats. Sara tried to hide her apprehension and said, honestly, that she was allergic--she did not add that she really, strongly, totally disliked cats. She was reassured that they would simply keep their 10 cats out of the guest room that night.

i have a green collar round my neck and ears that are pur-pale! (amelia's little red dog, live from baltimore)

Sunday, April 02, 2006

weekend wind-up

Why do Tuesday and Wednesday last FOREVER, while Saturday and Sunday are gone in the blink of an eye? No fun.

Friday night, I chatted with *A*, did some laundry and cleaned a bit (all with an open window--welcome, Spring!). Not the most exciting evening ever, but low-key was just perfect with me.

Saturday was a bit more fun. My friend B and I headed out to Northampton in the early afternoon, grabbed a slice on the way out and then hit Webs at the suggestion of *N*. I was a bit overwhelmed, but eventually wound up with some yarn and needles (in the round?)...this baby blanket might just be a disaster. B and I parked in the lot in downtown Northampton (after noting that there was ALREADY a guy in line at the IH at 2:30!) for 45 cents and wandered around the town for a while. Spent a good chunk of time in Broadside Books before heading over to the IH at about 5:30. There was a bit of a line, we hopped on and it started moving fairly soon. I love this club--only my 2nd time there, but I love it. We were up in the balcony again, but no pole to block our view of the stage this time! We ate (the IH has amazing food!) and the girls hit the stage at about 7:15. Dave C joined them for the whole set, adding acoustic, 12-string, banjo and bass to various tunes. There is nothing like a Nields show at the IH. The place is packed and the energy from N&K is so different. The last few months, N has used a stool for the whole show...makes sense as baby NieldsDuffy grows bigger by the day. Last night, though, while there was a stool on stage, N was standing from the Tailspin opening until the Easy People acoustic encore from the balcony. I can't wait to see TG there in a month!

My friend B spent the night and today consisted of sleeping a little late, church, enjoying the sunroom (best room in the house, but pretty much un-usable from October til April) and laughing. She left a couple of hours ago and I watched the Final 4 games that I'd taped last night. I managed to avoid hearing who won, watched most of it on FF and I'm a little disappointed in the final game, but what a great tournament.

Our stovetop CRACKED this morning. And I was planning to cook dinner tonight...I guess I'll be calling our pizza place for a chicken parm sub instead. And maybe some mozz sticks too just for fun.

it was improvised for the camera's eye, it was made up in the ring, back when bob hope was king (on the air, girlyman)

Saturday, April 01, 2006

the road signs point us adrift

This is my Monday night writing. For the record, there were NO "signs" pointing me to this job in Massachusetts. It was a REALLY hard decision and one that I went back and forth on every hour or 2. And it's the best decision I ever made--at least the experience recorded here taught me a lesson!
Senior year in college was a crazy, tilt-a-whirl of emotions. Good friends and lots of laughter made all the papers, exams and presentations bearable. For the first time in a long time, maybe for the first time ever, Sara felt in control of her life. There was a rhythm to her days--predictability amid the chaos of class, meetings and meals. Her four years on the Hill had gifted her with life-changing experiences, lasting memories and treasured friends. Even in the struggles, there was a safety and security in knowing that someone would be there to pull her up, under or through.

But there was a finish line looming. Graduation was a flashing neon sign in the distance. Every day, professors, family and even friends (mostly the pre-med/pre-law "we know what WE'RE doing with the rest of OUR lives" types) asked Sara what she was going to do next. Usually she laughed them off, saying there was plenty of time left or leveled them with an, "I don't know--is that bad?" On the inside, though, there was more than a hint of panic. The truth was, it wasn't that Sara saw an empty page with a blinking cursor when she thought about the future. Instead, what froze her up inside was that she saw about a dozen options--and all of them looked good. She was going to have to choose.

Calendar days flew by and spring break was approaching. Sara was still staring down all her options, weighing an endless list of pros and cons. Finally, she decided that eventually, there would be a sign. She had gone to church practically every Sunday for more than 21 years--and every priest she had ever met talked about signs...some divine plan. Maybe God would bail her out.

On the day before spring break--February 28--an email appeared in Sara's inbox. It announced the creation of a 2 year teacher service corps in Los Angeles. Young college grads would commit 2 years of their lives to teaching in the inner city, living with other teachers in the program and earning their Masters degree at a local university. It sounded intriguing to Sara--and teaching was one of the options she had been considering. Then she noticed the due date for applications--March 1. That would be a problem. Sara decided to send an email off to the coordinator in L.A., saying that she was interested in the program, but clearly couldn't complete an application she didn't have by tomorrow. Less than an hour later, there was a response. The due date was being extended for out of state applicants. A packet would be dropped in the mail and Sara could complete it after spring break. Sign #1.

More signs would follow in the coming weeks. When a close friend lost his twin brother in a drunk driving accident and Sara's life was turned upside down for a week, a reassuring email arrived telling her to take care of herself and her friends. The application could wait a week. The final nail in the coffin was a phone call from a principal in Los Angeles. She introduced herself to Sara, said that she'd received Sara's resume, application and recommendations. Everything looked great, just one thing was holding her back--Sara had attended Holy Angels for high school. Sara was confused--how exactly did a woman 3,000 miles away know anything about Sara's tiny, all-girls high school in suburban NJ? There was a laugh from the CA end of the telephone line--this woman had grown up 10 minutes down the road from Sara and had attended the other all-girls high school in the area. Last sign.

Graduation was a few weeks away and, finally, Sara had an answer to the horrible "what are YOU doing with the rest of your life?" question. She enjoyed her last days on the Hill, surrounded by good friends. Less than a month later, she climbed on a plane to being what she knew would be a great adventure. It would take less than 7 months for her to realize that all those signs were someone's idea of a bad joke.