Friday, April 28, 2006

friday, people, party time!

Ahhhhhhhhhh, Friday at last. Since I do believe our friend *A* is motoring her way from Philly to the great town of Northampton, MA, I'll kick off our Friday shuffle this week. Let's have a little fun!

OK, on with the show. You know the rules: put the old digitial music player on shuffle. Report back the first ten songs it spits out. NO APRON WRINGING! Here goes...

1. goodnight, l.a. (hard candy)--counting crows
2. say goodbye to hollywood (essential collection)--billy joel
3. easy people (live from northampton)--the nields
4. fall on me (cry cry cry)--cry, cry, cry
5. the one who knows (beauty of the rain)--dar williams
6. before i fall (linda eder)--linda eder
7. seven years (come away with me)--norah jones
8. love me one more time (love and china)--nerissa and katryna nields
9. sarah maria (gorilla)--james taylor
10. someone like me (jekyll and hyde soundtrack)--linda eder
bonus track: this town is wrong (live from northampton)--the nields

General Thoughts: a lot of my favorite artists. clearly, my iPod agrees with me about L.A.! it's also a relatively mellow list...nothing too rockin'

Seen Live: billy joel, the nields, the pieces of cry, cry, cry, dar williams, linda eder

Favorite Song: i can't possibly leave out easy people as i said last week. but someone like you is a favorite as well.

Least Favorite Song: love me one more time is just a little too twangy for my liking.

Favorite Album(s): live from northampton has a crazy mix of songs. i really love it

Memory Trigger: my friend sara was named after the song sarah maria (her middle name is also maria), so i always think of her when i hear it. i just love the song.

Best Song for a Long Car Ride: for the sheer fun of it, i'll go with this town is wrong because i love to sing along with it. however, someone like you lets me cut loose and belt a little, so that's a fave as well!

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