Sunday, June 11, 2006

purple knights

We call grads who have been out for over 50 years the Purple Knights (purple being our school color, knights b/c our mascot is the politically incorrect Crusader). They are invited back for reunion every year because, as they are out so long, their numbers dwindle, so it's good for them to reconnect every year, rather than every 5. We celebrate them on the same weekend that we bring back the 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th and 50th reunion classes. Some of these men and even their widows go to great lengths to be here -- widows from the class of 1931, men from the class of '37 who don't move so well, but arrive with huge smiles on their faces, back to the Hill that was their home, their pride and their joy. It's amazing...and inspiring.

It was a fun weekend, though a little stressful. My boss is sick--and the possible causes range from the ordinary to the serious and we have no clear answers yet. I've had this job for a little less than a year, but the respect and affection I have for TH grows exponentially by the day. In order to keep my mind off the possibilities (I'm a real worrier), I threw myself into figuring out what needed to get done for the weekend. She's fabulous at her job, so most of the legwork was done, it was just a matter of delivering it and being where she was supposed to be when she was supposed to be there. Gave a little energy to my weekend. I talked to TH briefly yesterday and she's still not feeling well, still not sounding like herself. Hopefully, a diagnosis will be made soon and the cause will be fairly benign.

OK, I'm heading home. I need some sleep!


Melissa said...

I love the thought of the Purple Knights! They must feel like celebrities!

kj said...

your wonderful boss has a wonderful employee--what a great match! i hope she's doing better.

the purple knights: it sounds timeless (no pun intended)

hope your summer's going well, kris.


kris said...

A--if there's anything I've learned, it's that who you work for/with can be 100x more important than the job itself.

M--they are SO cute. They come back wearing purple ties, purple hats, purple shirts. And the joy in their eyes is adorable.

kj--I think we're a pretty good match too. Summer feels like it's finally arriving. I miss our evenings in Big Yellow though!

kj said...

kris, i have to say i miss our weekly evenings also. i didn't know it at the time, but the experience and wonderful people "ground" me. I'll be glad to see you again!