Monday, July 24, 2006

rain, flood, fire and weekend at frff

I am home (well, at work right now).
I am clean.
I am dry.
I am tired.
I am riding a high from good friends and good music.

When I arrived at Dodd's Farm on Thursday, I was a little grouchy. Work had been crummy on Wednesday and I still felt like grumbling and raging. However, as we drove down Rte. 22 towards Hillsdale, I caught a glimpse of multicolored tents and tarps through the trees. I gasped at the beauty of it and suddenly forgot all the work worries. The new farm was great...and the vibe and soul of Falcon Ridge was the same. As I parked my car to get my wristband, the volunteers greeted us with a "Welcome home!" And it really does feel like home.

Maybe it's just me, but I think the music was better than ever this year. Clearly, N&K's energy was better than usual being back on stage after 3 months...I thought NFN was going to jump right off the stage during Tailspin! Other favorites did not disappoint either...Crooked Still, Tracy Grammer (who is just sublime), Lowen and Navarro and EFO had us singing and dancing in our seats. I laughed until my sides hurt with the likes of Christine Lavin, Cheryl Wheeler and Susan Werner. And DD's fave, Dan Bern, had us all laughing hard and ignoring the rain well into the wee morning hours.

Speaking of rain, after a SCORCHING Friday, the rains did come on Saturday. Everything from sprinklings to drizzles to outright downpours...the field of green became a muddy mess. And less than an hour after climbing into our tent, finally dry, in clean clothes and with substantially LESS mud on our feet and legs, AL and I woke up to screaming and talk of 911. A car had caught fire about 50 yards from our tent...we quickly decided to abandon camp, abandon the car and head down the hill in case things got worse. Fire officials had trouble getting up the hill due to mud, but thanks to the ground being wet and tents being wet, etc., the fire didn't spread and just burned out a car or 2. So, in the end, thank God for the rain. It could've been a lot worse.

By far, the hilight of the weekend for me was catching up with my Big Yellow friends. Those of you who couldn't be with us were missed, but it was great to see A, N, J, T and C. T and C, I'm sorry we didn't get to catch up more! I looked around during N&K's mainstage set to see all of your smiling faces and was amazed at the sense of community that had been formed in less than 48 hours.

I'm not sure how coherent I was here and I'm sure that N, J, A, T and C will also have blog entries about this weekend, probably more coherent than mine. I arrived home yesterday exhausted and drained as I did 3 loads of laundry and scrubbed off the mud. I loved every minute of it though!


Melissa said...

Hooray! I thought of all of you so often this weekend - Eli got used to me counting how many of my BY friends were at FRFF and wondering aloud what you might be doing or hearing. I'm so glad you had such a good time! :) And I hope to take it in someday myself.

kris said...

A--your blog made me laugh aloud. Particularly the muddy toes.

M--you were non-BY friends who were with me kept asking how exactly we all knew each other--they were impressed with the camaraderie among us all.

I get pictures back today!