I took a last minute trip to the Cape with my mom, aunt and nana from Tuesday evening til yesterday morning. I missed y'all.
1. I am singing and dancing to
Tailspin right now. I also just got 2 new Dave and Tracy cds (
Seven is the Number and
Tanglewood Tree). I am a musically satisfied girl.
2. With all the travelling both near and far I've done this summer, I'm feeling a little scattered.
3. My bedroom (and my desk at work) reflect this!
4. Just when I thought my travels were over, I got a call yesterday saying that my cousin Larissa is coming from England for 2 weeks. She will be with her husband and their 2 young kids--so there will be another long weekend in the next 3 weeks--likely on MD's Eastern Shore.
5. As a result of my "scatteredness," I bought 2 desk calendars (one for work and one for home) and a new planner yesterday--to feign organization and planning.
6. I smiled a huge smile when I wrote in the October retreat at Big Yellow.
7. I love everything about the ocean--the sound, the smell, the saltiness it leaves on my skin. You could see the Vineyard from the beach this week and I just wanted to swim all the way there.
8. I am woefully out of shape. Every Sunday, I think,
"This is going to be the week I start hitting the gym."9. Considering I have access to the on-campus pool/track/gym for FREE, it's pathetic that I haven't gotten there yet.
10. In 10 months, my brother will graduate with his BA on a Sunday. We will then haul ass from western OH to NJ where my mother will graduate with her Ed.D. on Monday.
11. Though I love my current job and situation, I contemplate going back to school regularly--for about 6 different things.
12. When I taught, the younger kids all called me "Miss Q"--this turned into the big kids just calling me "Q"--I loved it all.
13. I have not been to church in a couple of months. I am feeling a wee bit guilty and need to get in the habit again.