Monday, August 14, 2006

the hunt

So, after all the griping I did about apartment hunting, I just *may* have found the place on my first try. The building has recently had walls-out renovation...the renovation is so new, in fact, that they are still laying carpet in the hallways and touching up the paint. All new appliances in each apartment and electric heat. In-house security, which in this city is something I value...and on-site management and maintenance.

The price is a *bit* more than I was looking to pay, but I think I can swing it, particularly if I pick up some more babysitting gigs and some tutoring, which I plan on doing. I am looking at another place tomorrow, but made a follow-up at the place from Saturday to go over details, see if a Sept 15 move-in would be feasible. I was originally shooting for Sept 1, but that's Labor Day weekend and I think it'll be too hectic. I really do want to have it done during September though! Also, I feel like Sept 15 is giving fair warning to my current situation.

Now, I have to break it to the current landlord/roommate. I'm a little nervous about that. But I think I can sell it with the whole "I am ready to live on my own, by myself" bit, which is very true. I'm done with roommates, done with feeling like I'm hiding in my bedroom.


Melissa said...

Sounds fantastic!! Best of luck with all of it, especially telling present roomie/landlord. That's always tough stuff. I wish you were closer, 'cause you'd have a steady babysitting gig with my girls! :)

kris said...

Aw, and I'd sit for them in a heartbeat, M! I'm looking forward to seeing them up close and personal in October.

Thanks for the luck...I'll keep y'all posted.

kj said...

kris, i am SO glad you've found a place that feels good, is new and clean, etc.

if i remember correctly, your current roomate is no shining star. here's a good chance to put yourself first and feel damn good about it!!!!

look forward to a update.

kris said...

kj--saw some other places last night that i liked as well. now i need to figure out what features are most important.

and true--current landlord/roommate is not my cup of tea. nice enough, but a bit of an airhead.

j--thanks for the offer :) always good to see you checking in!