Friday, September 29, 2006

a late 13...moving day edition

1. I sign my lease in less than an hour.
2. It's at a different apartment than I thought it would be last weekend.
3. I hate feeling unsettled.
4. I cry when I am frustrated--pretty much the only time I cry.
5. So, there have been some tears this week.
6. When a coworker came to check on my progress on Tuesday, I almost burst into tears just talking about being frustrated and unsettled.
7. She gave me a hug and burst into tears herself.
8. I'm grateful to have people to lean on and who lean on me in return.
9. My car is currently packed to the gills.
10. After I sign my lease, I'll be unloading my car, driving back to the house and loading up again.
11. My father and uncle arrive tomorrow morning to help move my bedroom furniture.
12. It will require a uHaul rental.
13. Is it Monday yet?


Nichole said...

Good luck this weekend!

kj said...

kris, moving is the PITS! but i am sure you will get to the other side and feel quite happy with it all. just be patient. if you can take a day or two off from work to putz and unpack, all the better.

i'm happy for you!

Greta_Jane said...

Moving kind of bites, but it is really nice to have a place that is all yours.

Melissa said...

It's Monday -- woohoo!! Hugs and love from here to there! xoxo

kris said...

Thanks, girls. The move went relatively smoothly, though I'm still no where near unpacked! I do, however, have the tv/cable hooked up for baseball playoffs.
