Wednesday, October 04, 2006

quick check in

Ah, October is here. As I drove out to Noho on Monday night, the sunset was incredible and the light on the trees along the Pike was breath-taking. The leaves are beginning to change and the sunset cast them all in a golden glow. It's going to be a busy month (2 weddings, a huge work event, visit from Irish relatives and a fabulous BY retreat)--but I'm psyched.

Yesterday was my parents' 30th anniversary. Monday night's prompt got me thinking and I wound up writing some of what I've learned about love from my parents. NFN called it a prescription for love...whatever it is, I thought I'd share.

*You can never have too many friends. Make them at every opportunity. Throw parties where you bring those you’ve known for 10 days, 10 years and 40 years together in one place. It’s important to have friends who make you laugh, friends who will jump in front of a bus for you and friends who will sit up until 1 AM, with a bottle of wine, to plan a funeral with you.

*Be there for the little things. Coach your daughter’s basketball team and your son’s baseball team. Take a Saturday to go to Jones Beach. Make a fool of yourself to make your child-or your spouse-laugh.

*Support each other. When my father gets up at 5 AM to catch a train into the city, my mom is there with him—every day for 30 years. My mother decided to go back to school for her doctorate last year. Just when my father thought he was through with tuition, he began again.

*Smile a lot. Hold hands. Enjoy each others’ company. Take long walks on the beach. Eat dinner together. Have date nights. Ski, swim and bike tighter. Do your own thing every once in a while. Laugh.


kj said...

kris, it's just as good to read this, even better, since i can re-read it.

can't wait for the by weekend either. it was SO good to see you last monday.

Melissa said...

whew -- I hope I do it right enough in the parent world to have my girls write such a beautiful prescription. :)

kris said...

thanks, kj. it was great to see you too.

a--she apparently wants to use it in "how to be an adult"--eek!

m--from all counts, charlotte and iris will grow up to say equally wonderful things--and probably more eloquently!