Friday, December 01, 2006

And so it begins...

I just got this email:

" 'Cue' (or 'Q'?) & E are sooo cool!"
-- Claire , 7:45 p.m. last night.
End Quote.

Our first basketball practice was last night. It was a wild hour and a half and I was reminded that 12, 13 and 14 year old girls communicate in squeals, shrieks and squeaks. Honestly, only dogs can understand what they are saying. 14 of them in a "gym" (cafeteria/auditorium/fake gym) for an hour and a half...exhausting. The girls are cute and most of them have *some* idea of how to play...but our first game is Sunday. I find myself sad that we don't have more time to get ourselves together--I barely know what name goes with what face! (Plus, we have Emily/Elizabeth/Ellen/Ethel/Emily...and Abby/Alysha...and Molly/Michaela/Megan, so it's a constant tongue twister!)

But then this afternoon, I got that email. It's from a colleague of mine with a daughter on the team. Apparently, we're a hit. I'm "Q"--nickname I acquired in L.A. from the kids at school and my co-coach is "E" for Erin. Apparently, we passed the test and we're officially in.

The game on Sunday should be HYSTERICAL...and maybe a little scary.


teresa said...

And unfortunately some of them never outgrow the shrieking, like my least favorite neighbors. :) Good luck on Sunday!

Melissa said...

Sounds like fun! The name thing will be interesting .... Winslow is getting used to being called "Iris" and "Charlotte." Once I called Eli "Rancher" ... :)

kj said...

yes, you are cooool. and i'm sure a fantastic coooool coach. you'll be seeing the world through the eyes of 13 year olds.


kris said...

T--so good to hear from you!

M--yeah, I called Abby "Molly" 2x today--they are both tiny girls. Oh well.

kj--they are fantastic kids.

We won by 3 points!