Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy 2008!
2008 will be a great year, my friends. 2007 has sucked for so many people I love dearly...I am convinced that '08 will right the ship and we'll float in the right directions.
I'm ripping off our dear M.
1 -- My favorite movie of the year...I just love Harry Potter, even if the movies serve as wonderkillers. The kids are brilliant, and I focus on the positive. N tells me that Juno would top the list if I'd managed to make it to the theater last week.
2 -- Favorite books of the year: variation on a theme: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
3 -- Surprise of the year -- I have a new job! Didn't see the change coming, but I think it's going to be wonderful. I also went on 2 non-BY retreats--one with college students and one with high-schoolers and am contemplating a new career path!
4 -- Best vacation -- we have a tie. Miami for my cousin's graduation was wonderful--5 days filled with family, including my cousins from London (who are 4 and 2). Running between the pool and the beach and just being able to relax with them for a few days was just joyful. Lake Winnipesaukee must top the list as well, though! I didn't realize I could like a lake that much!! I look forward to our next trip and already know what board game I'll be bringing to entertain us.
5 -- Struggle of the year ... IdiotBoy at was a short, but mighty struggle. I also struggled with how to stand up for myself in that situation--I'm not very good at it!
6 -- Sorrow of the year -- I've watched some friends go through hard times and stood beside them as they faced the sadness.
7 -- Joy of the year ... spending good, quality time with the people I love most in this world: my family, my good friends, colleagues I've grown to adore. I think I treasure those moments and hours more than I ever have.
8 -- Moment I wish I could do over ... I don't really let myself have those!
9 -- Best musical moment -- There have been many...I can't go without mentioning the hours under the FRFF sun and stars, but I agree with M as well--those BY hootenannies are just magical and so very special.
10 -- Best writing moment -- I don't know if I have one. I do know that after some sessions at BY I think to myself "That's EXACTLY how I wanted it to sound."
11 -- Favorite CD of the year -- Sister Holler, hands down. I think the album is especially special because I heard so many of them as "newborn" songs.
12 -- Big Grateful Warmth award goes to ... BY buddies! Seriously, what I love is that my time with you is not restricted to 48 hours in Northampton. I rang in 2007 in Philly with A, G, N and GJ and I ended 2007 with kj, the BY residents and N. We've gone to concerts , out to dinner, swam in the lake, camped together at FR, attended Yart parties, seen thousands of Santas on the steet, and enjoyed endless emails, phone calls and hours in each other's company. What an amazing gift we've been given!! I can't wait to see you all again soon.
13-- Friends ... I am a very very very lucky girl. My friends are some of the most amazing human beings that walk this wonderful planet and not a day goes by when I am not reminded of this. Most days, though, I feel particularly lucky to have wonderful friends at work who fill the mundane-ness with smiles.
Peace, joy, love and laughter to you all.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Thursday 13
2. I believed in Santa for a long time. Wait, I still believe in Santa. But I believed Santa was a real live person living on the North Pole until I was about 10...which is relatively late, I think. This is because every year on Christmas Eve, my mother's uncle would call all of the cousins in my generation--but we didn't know it was Uncle Ed. It was Santa--complete with Mrs. Claus and jingling bells in the background (thanks, Aunt Nancy!). Uncle Ed called our parents in the days before Christmas Eve--he knew what we wanted, what we were getting, etc. It was the best and I'm hoping one of my uncles eventually picks up the tradition.
3. T was visiting NYC and asked if I'd consider meeting up with her to attend the Nields show a few weekends ago. I gladly agreed. T took the train to my hometown where I picked her up and she stayed with my family for the weekend. We had an awesome time in NYC--great show. But something stole N&K's thunder. Santacon: HUNDREDS of people dressed as Santa!! Even at the pizza joint we picked for dinner:
4. T also made me hand warmers!! That I *l0ve* because you can write and type with them on:
5. I have been home SO little in the last 7 weeks that I didn't get a tree :( T saw my tree at home in NJ--and had a few laughs at my father's resistance to a tree entering the house at ALL. I did however get a real wreath and every once in a while, I get a waft of pine. I also put up lights.
6. Basketball has started again. We won our first game by 4 points. I yelled myself hoarse. Our 2nd game was cancelled--we don't play again until 2008. I loved our girls last year. I still love our 8th graders. But a few of these 7th graders are so adorable, I want to take them home!
7. I've had 2 baby showers in the last month or so. I give books. Though I could walk into Carters and buy everything in the place. That's why I stick to bookstores. I know what my favorites are and I get those.
8. On my most recent trip to the children's section, I found this book. And bought it for myself as it was about $3. It was a favorite of mine and I hadn't seen it in years. I do plan to need it eventually.
9. We have a stinkin' department luncheon for work tomorrow. Almost 40 minutes from work! The really crappy part is that our VP will expect us to return to our desks after lunch. To be honest, I'd rather spend the Friday before Christmas with the 2 or 3 people in my department I really enjoy, instead of all of us pretending to be one happy family!
10. I'm loving the new job. The writing is a challenge all day every day, but I think I'll settle in. I adore Father (pres. of college), and I am loving getting to spend some time with him and learning more about him.
11. I miss BY. I took the winter session off, which was a wise decision given the amount of snow we've been buried under for a week! But I miss my spot on the rug and I miss my writing buddies. My Monday group isn't as awesome as our retreat group, but I still love them and I feel like I'm missing out on huge chunks of their lives and stories!
12. You would think making mix cds would be easy and fun, right? For me, it's just stressful. Which songs do I pick? Will the person love them as much as I do? What is a good balance? What is a good ratio of Guster to Nields, Joel and Springsteen to Crooked Still and Tracy Grammer? How should I order the songs? These decisions truly cause me agida.
13. I am not packed for tomorrow. This is not good as I need to be packed before I leave my house at 8:30. That proably means I should stop blogging, right?
Friday, November 30, 2007
Life has been crazy--the weekend before Thanksgiving, I helped out on a retreat for the College--50 18-22 year olds. I had a blast, though I'd lost my voice COMPLETELY 2 days before I was supposed to go, so that made things interesting. The weekend was wonderful...then it was back for 2 days at the office before Thanksgiving break. I had a wonderful time in NJ!
Today, I'm off to help out on a retreat for 60 (SIXTY!!!) high school students. What was I thinking?! Before I go, I need to get some work done and run a few errands on the way to the retreat. It's going to be FREEZING in New Hampshire this weekend.
I hope you all are well! I miss you and I'll share more musings and nuttiness next week.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Thursday 13 (a day early...)
Just FYI, I am currently voice-less. I've had a cold and last night at about 7 o'clock, I said something outloud to myself (a frequent happening) and my voice was GONE. I haven't said much of anything today and still, it's pretty dead.
OK, on to the 13...
2. When it's on sale at CVS, I take advantage. Yes, I know Coca-Cola company is evil, but...well, I don't drink coffee and I need caffeine.
3. My bike. Triathlon # still attached under the seat. It's pretty and blue...though I haven't spoken to it in months.
6. A poster that needs to be framed and hung. My beloved Manhattan...subway routes.
8. My anthem...lyrics and illustrations by Nerissa and Katryna Nields. I love this.
9. Candles, candlesticks and snuff from Colonial Williamsburg. They're a housewarming gift from my mother's cousin--the one I lived with in DC. I love I need to have some people over for dinner to burn the candles!
10. Notecards. I love to send and receive cards. I was REALLY good about it in college and always have a big supply of cards--I just send them less frequently now. Darn age of the internet!
12. A Hundred Thousand Welcomes to you. This hangs just inside my front door, over the entry to the kitchen. I bought it at a fair in Los Angeles and it's been with me ever since.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Another weekend at the BY
I had another weekend in Northampton--a weekend spent with some of my very favorite people in the world. I have the privilege of gathering with them and listening to their brilliant writing, their songs that make me close my eyes and disappear into the chords, and their humor during late night "board meetings" at Packard's.
As M said, long live the Merchants of Death!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Warm and Fuzzy...
"I love Kris McLastName. Maybe she can come and babysit for us again soon."
What's better than that?!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Friday Fourteen
1. I plan to make apple crisp and crab cakes this weekend. So much yum.
2. My favorite children's book in the world is Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox. It sometimes makes me cry, but it is just so good.
3. Last weekend, I was reminded of just how much I love the American Girl favorite was always Kirsten. There were only 3 options when I was a kid...and Kirsten was from the era of my hero, Laura Ingalls Wilder, so she won. Molly was cool too, but Samantha was far too much of a girly girl.
4. To this day, if I catch a repeat of Little House on the Prairie on television, I can pretty much identify the plot within 5 minutes. It was possibly my very favorite show as a kid.
5. I will be coaching my 7th and 8th grade basketball team again this year. I'm really excited to get back to it, even though I think we'll *really* stink up the joint this year.
6. I am proud of Joe Torre. He's a classy guy.
7. On my next trip home, I may not recognize my own home. After 20 years in the house, my parents are done paying tuition--so they have refinished the hardwood floors, torn up the tile in the foyer/kitchen/downstairs bathroom and laid hardwoods, taken the wallpaper down in the kitchen and renovated the kitchen. I'm looking forward to seeing it, especially since I haven't had to deal with not having a kitchen.
8. My mom is a chapter or 2 away from completing her dissertation and Ed.D. program! She's wildly smart.
9. Growing up, my grandmother (dad's mom) and my uncle (dad's oldest brother) came on just about every vacation with us. They'd meet us in Westchester County, NY or at our house and my sister and I would climb into their car to avoid spending a car trip with our younger brother. We'd spend two weeks at the beach, with early mornings and evenings spent snuggled in Grandma's bed watching old episodes of Matlock or Murder, She Wrote. I'm so grateful to have so many memories of those vacations now.
10. My parents' families get along really well. This might explain why my dad's youngest brother and my mom's younger sister are engaged. Growing up, we hosted almost every holiday with both sides of the family--and even when someone else hosted, everyone from both sides was invited. We never had to split holidays. I didn't realize how unusual this was until high school.
11. When I started college, getting dressed in the morning was a challenge. I'd spent the last 12 years in uniforms--and when I wasn't in my uniform plaid, I was in soccer/basketball/softball/swimming clothes. The idea that I had to put outfits together every day was irritating. I still wish I had a uniform even today!
12. After an insane week at work (just google my college and click the "news" filter at the top), I hit the on campus pub with some colleagues for a couple of hours after work. We all shared our "best" phone calls/letters from the week.
13. Over the weekend or next week, I'll post something I wrote about dreams--I had a dream last week that the lights in my apartment weren't working. A friend who is into dream symbolism said it might mean that I feel like I'm "in the dark." Someone hit the nail on the head!
14. I have 3 retreats in the next 7 weekends. The first is our BY retreat...some of my favorite people in the world gathered in a cozy Victorian for almost 48 hours--plus, fall in the Pioneer Valley. The second is a retreat with the College--I'm going as a leader and apparently need to give a talk--topic to be determined. This retreat was one of my favorites as a student and I'm looking forward to getting to know some kids, since I don't get to interact much in my job. The third is a high school retreat. 65 teenagers in cabins in NH for the weekend--nothing can POSSIBLY go wrong, right??
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
This day...
The first building fell on my drive to work. I was on the phone with my aunt, trying to figure out what the hell was going on...but there were no answers. I walked into the teacher's room just before the north tower fell--the 3rd grade teacher saw my face and reached out to turn off the television. I stopped him. I had to watch. I had to see it happen--because it didn't seem real. Seconds later, it was all gone.
I've never been to the Statue of Liberty; I've never been to the top of the Empire State Building; I've spent limited time in Central Park. When you grow up going in and out of Manhattan on a weekly or monthly basis, you take all of it for granted. But I'd been to the top of the World Trade Center. I'm not sure why we decided to go up that father took the train into the WTC every day, and when we would spend a day at his office, we took the train in there too. I can still remember the feeling of looking up and having those towers block out the sun.
The highest point in Bergen County is less than a mile from my house in NJ. From there, you can see the entire New York skyline. It's how my sister realized that something was terribly wrong that day--she saw smoke billowing from the silhouettes. Every time I go home, I can only see the hole in that skyline. Today, my father and my little brother take the train into the pit where the World Trade Center once stood. A daily reminder...
Today, though, I found myself thinking about the people. I thought about Mr. Gregory and his booming voice...I went to school with his kids and even babysat for them a few times. Mrs. Gregory was teaching with my mother that morning.
That's this day.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
I'd met him only once, briefly, in church. His face was serene, kind and warmly familiar. I didn't see him again until today, as he lay quietly, finally at peace. It seems strange that I didn't know him--but then, as I looked up and saw his face reflected in his children, in his spectacular daughter whom I am lucky enough to call a friend, I realized that I had come to know the very best of him.
This sweet, compassionate, fierce and wildly intelligent man is not a stranger. I know about the tennis tournament he hosted in his backyard every summer. I know that 60 years ago, he went to class in the building where I work every day. I know that each Sunday for 40 some years, you could find him in the 4th pew of the small Catholic church in the center of town. I know that even as his memory faded and cruelly slipped away, he continued to exude the same gentleness, love and humor that had defined him for almost 80 years. I know that six weeks ago, his youngest son brought a new baby--the 30th grandchild--to meet his grandfather. He lay the baby gently in his father's arms, preparing to help him as you would help a toddler. But those arms, arms that didn't remember how to work or write or eat, eased into the cradled position that had held his own 10 children and 29 grandchildren before this.
There aer some things that simply cannot be stripped away.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Mariano Rivera is the man.
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Friday's Feast
Say there’s a book written about your life. Who would you want to narrate the audio version?
**Allison Janney, please
Take the letters from your favorite kind of nut and write a sentence. (Example: Perhaps every avenue needs understanding today.)
**People each admire nothing under turtles.
If you could go back in time and spend one week in another decade, which decade would you choose?
**The 1870s...with Laura Ingalls!
Main Course
Name a song that brings back memories for you.
**The Sweetness
Do you prefer to wash your hands in cold water or warm water?
Friday's Feast
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Thursday 13
2. There's a new job thing that is interesting (and stressful to contemplate), but it may be a non-decision by tomorrow.
3. I am going down to the Jersey Shore next weekend because I am dying to get knocked around by some big waves.
4. My triathlon (well, now it's 2 of 3 events...) training has slowed down a bit, but now I have 16 days and I need to pick it up a bit again. The whole open water swimming thing is much more daunting than I anticipated.
5. I bought 2 magnets and jb and kj's Yart party. I just put them on the refrigerator tonight and they make me quite happy. They were made by little girls named Lindsay and Taylor.
6. In the last 3.5 weeks, I have listened to Sister Holler almost exclusively--at work, at home, in the car. It makes me quite happy.
7. When I was a kid, we'd go to my dad's office a couple times a year. We'd get on the train, transfer to the PATH in Hoboken and get out in the belly of the World Trade Center. When I go home, I can see the NYC skyline from the highway. It still kicks me in the gut every time.
8. I have 3 free weekends between now and December 1. It's going to be a hell of a fall. Work will be insane too, which will make for a chaotic, dizzy girl.
9. I prefer to drive at night. Leaving somewhere at 10 PM and driving til 12:30 or 1 AM doesn't bother me at all. I switch on some music or the Yankee game and I'm all set.
10. I *hate* feeling helpless. I can't stand watching my friends hurt and knowing there's nothing I can do about it--except offer an ear and a shoulder. For the last year and a bit, a good friend of mine has struggled and I held her through many tears. But when the phone rang, and there was actually something concrete I could do, well, it didn't just help her, it helped me. To feel useful and helpful and valuable is just one of those things I need.
11. My middle name is Ferris. I hated it as a kid (getting called Bueller and Ferris Wheel wasn't really fun), but I love it now. It's my Nana's maiden name (mom's mom). I share the middle name with half a dozen cousins at least--my great-grandparents had 4 daughters, so this is the only way to keep that name alive. And the family is big and extraordinarily close--I'm so proud to carry the name. My poor first child will have to bear the burden as well, but hopefully he or she will come to appreciate it as much as I do.
12. My apartment could use a good once over. Maybe Saturday before I go to work.
13. I am so overwhelmed lately, by work and life and the sheer amount of stuff in front of me, that I have a hard time putting my head down and being productive. I really need to change that! Which means, I should post this, turn off the computer and go to bed!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Between vacations
One pair of sunglasses
One pair of goggles (so so sad)
Skin off my feet, knees and fingers
Gained from Winnipesaukee:
Some new freckles
A new flotation device for Matt and Rachel
Many a full stomach
What a weekend. First, there was the wonderful Yart party at kj's...then a delightfully enjoyable evening at Club Passim. But the 3 days at Winnipesaukee were the icing, cherries and a la mode of it all.
I've always been an ocean girl. Pools are fine, and necessary. Lakes are gross and slimy. Oceans are fabulous--rough, salty, spectacular and wonderful. But Lake Winni and the view from the cabin have converted me--I like lakes now. They're no ocean, but wow. I had a great few days and I've returned to MA bruised, scraped and scratched, but blissfully happy. The traffic on the drive home wasn't even that bad.
2 days of work and I'm off to the Cape! I love summer.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Big Yellow Magic
I sat on the floor of the living room in Big Yellow on Monday night, playing with Miss Lila while she sat on her mom's lap, envisioning many of my BY friends together again in just over 2 months. How wonderful to be spending a weekend with friends that I met in that sacred, magical space. How lucky am I??
Thursday, August 02, 2007
FRFF 07 in review
So, this marked my fifth Falcon Ridge weekend. For the first 2 years, I camped with a huge group--college friends, their siblings, their siblings' friends. It was insane, but a ton of fun too. My first year, the only name I recognized in the line-up was Dar Williams (well, Arlo too, but he doesn't *really* count). I'd never heard of Eddie from Ohio, Vance Gilbert, Tracy Grammer or Nerissa and Katryna Nields. I remember being overwhelmed by the quality of music and the community that surrounded me. When people say, "We're home!" as they drive onto the fields of Falcon Ridge, they aren't lying. It's home.
This year, I camped with my best friend (who started coming to FR 2 summers ago after I dragged her to a Nields show in western MA), a friend from DC (and her friend) and my beloved BY friends. How wonderful to see ~j and really spend some time with her and her CurlyGirl. And our dear ~N~ who is a neighbor now, just down the road in Boston, and her friend Rhi. It was a wonderful camp--relaxed, laid back, put together (thanks to ~j and CG!), and tons of fun. We were extraordinarily lucky to have ~j offer us spots on her workshop stage tent, and to have the likes of ~N~, t and A to secure us great spots in the mainstage tarp run.
It's so hard to come up with hilights of the weekend...Tracy Grammer blows me away. She seems to grow more confident by the year, and each year at FR, I leave saying, "I'd forgotten how much I adore her music and her presence." Eddie from Ohio makes me laugh (CARP!)--the boys double Julie over and it's just a joy. Finding out that Dar and Gandalf are neighbors and occassionally hang out and jam was a little disturbing, but somehow appropriate! Dar lit up the hillside with "Iowa" as always...this time, she brought young Stephen out to witness the magic of FR. New discoveries this year include Red Molly and Ellis...and also, a first-time appreciation for the Kennedys and Chris Thompson as part of the Stragelings. We commented several times over the course of the weekend that mainstage at FR seems to turn people into 7 year olds...Julie bounced around and giggled like a kid, Dar was positively electric, Nerissa (when she joined Dar for a few tunes) never stopped moving and never stopped grinning.
Then, there is the fact that finally (FINALLY) I have songs like "This Train," "Soldier at the Door," and my beloved "Eloise" on cd. Seriously, folks, it's their best album yet. The girls were wonderful all weekend long.
That was disorganized and rambly, but I am still processing the awesomeness of the weekend.
Friday, July 13, 2007
13 days and counting...
sunscreen (LOTS of sunscreen)
headlamp (late night trips to the portajohn make this a top priority)
Charmin on-the-go packs (see above)
large flashlight
blankets (for hillside lounging)
a good book (for the downtime)
crazy creek style "chair" (essential for hours spent sitting on the hillside)
sleeping bag
rain jacket
bathing suit
tank tops
a beach towel or 2
Yankees baseball cap
camping chair
cameras and lots of film
trail mix ingredients
a cooler
Coke, water and a 6 pack of Sam Adams Summer Ale
spending money (can't avoid the merch tent)
Then, you add a few good friends. Many a wonderful musical act. Some good food. The fact that you're spending a couple of days away from the office. This will be my 5th FRFF...every year it's a little different and every year I discover a new delight. It's where I first heard the Nields, Eddie from Ohio, Crooked Still, Tracy Grammer, Lucy Kaplansky, Richard Shindell, Girlyman, We're About 9 and DaVinci's Notebook.
Life doesn't get any better than sitting under a blazing sun or a blanket of stars, singing along to music you love, surrounded by people you love (and a few thousand strangers), and feeling 1000% "home."
Monday, July 09, 2007
Stolen from kj
A is for age: 28...though most people would put my inner child at about 7.
B is for beer of choice: Sam Adams Summer Ale...or Blue Moon.
C is for career: I'm currently in higher education...working for my alma mater and enjoying it as a job. But not as a career or a vocation.
D is for favorite Drink: CocaCola. Even if it means I am somehow evil in the eyes of some...I don't drink coffee, but I need caffeine! Iced tea is the runner up.
E is for Essential item(s) you use everyday: Toothbrush and toothpaste, for sure. Glasses or contacts so that I can see the world around me.
F is for Favorite song at the moment: So hard to choose. I've been singing along quite loudly to Dar's "The Hudson" in the last few days.
G is for favorite Game: Basketball.
H is for How About Whatever Favorite I Choose: favorite summer smell is rain.
I is for Instruments played: Guitar and Piano, both badly.
J is for favorite Juice: Cranberry juice
K is for Kids: I'm pro-kids ;) None for me at the moment, but I'll have a basketball team one of these days. For now, I borrow other people's children whenever they allow.
L is for last kiss: That's for me to know...
M is for marriage: Again, I'm pretty much pro-marriage, for any and all who want to enter into the union.
N is for full Name: In the interest of anonymity, first name starts with K, middle name begins with F and is my maternal grandmother's maiden name...and, I'm a Mc.
O is for Overnight hospital stays: Let's see, at least 2 nights at the age of 14 months for toe amputation, one night at the age of 13 for screws and plates in my forearm...I think that's it.
P is for phobias: No real phobias. Things I don't like, but no real phobias.
Q is for quote: "Oy with the poodles already."
R is for biggest Regret: Try not to have them. The worst decision I ever made still gave me a lot of great gifts.
S is for sports: I am pro-sports. To the point that I watched the Wimbledon finals yesterday even though I find tennis boring. Federer and Nadal are anything but boring. My Yanks are having a rough go of it, but I still love my boys from the Bronx. March Madness is a month of pure joy.
T is for Time you wake up: Depends...lately, I've been getting up at least once a week to work out before lunch--what is happening to me?!
U is for color underwear: whatever's on top of the pile
V is for Vegetable you love: Cucumbers and asparagus
W is for Worst Habit: I defer...if there's a decision to be made, I'd rather *anyone* other than me make it.
X is for X-rays you’ve had: Not counting dental x-rays, well, I can't even count. Seriously--I mean, just last week I had at least 4 taken of my knees. I should have a custom-made lead shield.
Y is for Yummy food you make: Lasagna
Z is for Zodiac sign: Stubborn as a bull, that's me! Somehow, I don't think I could be anything but Taurus.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
A great weekend...
It was the 2nd reunion weekend at HC...the "old man" reunion--the Classes of 1931 through 1956, the Classes of 1957, 1962, 1967, 1972 and 1977 were on campus. Only the Class of 1977 has female graduates, so it really is the old boys' club this weekend. They are delightful. The love and loyalty they have for the school I call home is remarkable. They love to tell "young folks" like me stories of their own days on the Hill and are eager to hear about my experiences.
Plus, I spent Thursday working on a seating chart with my boss (I LOVE the spatial relations and puzzle working of it all), we reworked it on Friday, then started from scratch today. 850 people in 824 seats...had to call and beg dining services to add 3 12-foot tables to the room. I've felt weirdly out of synch with my amazing and wonderful bosslady for the last 2 was fun to have things feel normal again. I ate dinner with my closest work buddy and her husband, then we all headed to the pub. We were celebrating the dir. of alumni relations' retirement after 39 years. He's an incredible guy and we sat in the pub, singing along with the live Irish band, watching his granddaughter Irish step dance, begging Pat (the man of the evening) to sing and play the guitar, which he finally did. At the end of the night, it felt like Hootenanny in the Big Yellow or at kj/jb's. The band was breaking down, loaned a guitar to Pat and we sat around singing for half an hour more.
So, after spending the last few months thinking, "Why?? What is it I loved about this job again??" I've just been served a great reminder.
Plus, I had dinner with our Matt. What could be better? (Oh, Matt, tell Rachel that I met Ed--from her office at Brown--tonight. Neither of us could remember R's last name though--but he knew "my friend Matt's wife Rachel"--silly me!)
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Thursday 13
2. The running is the hardest part of triathlon training. I hate running.
3. I have to buy a bike.
4. I have very little $$ for said bike, and bikes are wicked expensive.
5. May has been a crazy busy month, but I've had a lot of fun. I went to Ohio for my brother's college graduation--and played beer pong with my father and flip cup with my brother. I went to Miami for my cousin's graduation and spent my days and evenings in the pool and on the beach with my family. Nichole visited me and we looked at apartments for her very big, very exciting move to Boston. Plus, work has been crazy.
6. Speaking of work, I have a new co-worker. Nic and kj will tell you that he is bad news. They listened to me rant for quite some time. It's difficult because this new guy is part of our little 3-person team in our larger department. So I can't avoid him.
7. 8 years ago right now, I was in Mexico. HC runs an immersion trip every year--we spend our time visiting villages, listening to people's stories. We see with our own eyes and hear for ourselves stories of poverty, struggle and heartache, but also stories of immense and incredible faith. I went to the kickoff barbeque on Tuesday night for this year's trip. I wonder if they realized that the faces and voices they here in these weeks will be with them forever.
8. A new girl in our department moved into my apartment building in March, right down the hall. I'm headed over there to hang out and maybe order dinner and walk across the street for ice cream.
9. Our VP's assistant forgot to put one of my vacation days in the, though I thought I had no time left to take, I have a "free" day to take before June, since I spent extra hours babysitting last week (as part of the job), my boss is giving me a day off to compensate me. Now to figure out how to spend those days...
10. I really want to get better at photography. I just need to spend the time, energy and some of the money to make it happen. Maybe take a class? Who knows.
11. I need a good ocean swim--at a beach with waves. My sister and her friends have rented a house down the Jersey Shore this summer...maybe I'll take some long weekends. I love Cape Cod, but I need the waves!
12. I was having very vivid dreams for a while a few months ago, but they've stopped. A friend at work is big into dream interpretation/analysis. He claims that if I tell myself to dream, just as I'm drifting off to sleep, I should remember the dream in the morning.
13. 55 days until Falcon Ridge Folk Festival!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Triathlon training is getting to my head
hands reaching up and out,
pulling through the water.
Each stroke brings a question:
Is this it?
Where you want to be?
Can you ever be certain?
A gulp of air and the questions start again.
Shoud you take the leap and step into the darkness?
Or leave both feet firmly planted on steady ground?
Are you better off here?
Was it the right choice?
Another blast of air, then the body spins forward,
flipping and bursting off of the wall,
back to where you came from.
But can you go back?
It would be different this time, right?
Could it be easier?
Will feeling safe and grounded make it better?
This time, a gasp of air,
shoulders throbbing and legs dragging.
Is the voice in the back of your head right, as it echoes old truths?
What will you do if it's not enough?
What's really so bad about hwere you are?
Could it be enough?
A deep breath and another flip,
hurtling back in the other direction,
the body ping-ponging like the questions in your head.
Legs begin to kick with this breath,
urging the body forward towards the finish,
away from unanswered questions.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Friday 10
1. Nowhere Warm--Kate Havnevik
"You’re like a parachute descending from the sky And I’m sure you’re on your way Yes I’m sure you’re on the road."
2. Somewhere Only We Know--Keane
"I'm getting old and I need something to rely on. So, tell me when you gonna let me in, I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin."
3. Colors--Amos Lee
"I know we all, we all got our faults We get locked in our vaults and we stay But when you're gone all the colors fade"
4. Portions for Foxes--Rilo Kiley
"When the loneliness leads to bad dreams and the bad dreams lead me to callin' you and I call you and say "C'MERE!" "
5. Nothing Left to Lose--Mat Kearney
"Come on and we'll sing, like we were free push the pedal down watch the world around fly by us come on,try, one last time"
6. Make This Go On Forever--Snow Patrol
"The weight of water, the way you taught me to look past everything I had ever learned The final word in the final sentence you ever uttered to me was love"
7. Where We Gonna Go from Here--Mat Kearney
"Green grass and a radioWatching it fly past and away we go"
8. Unlike Me--Kate Havnevik
"I love the way You live so intensely Enjoy every minute of life With space to swing Your arms around Laughing loudly"
9. World Spins Madly On--The Weepies
"I watch the stars from my window sill The whole world is moving and I'm standing still"
10. Gabriel and the Vagabond--foy vance
"There was a young girl on the ground I knew she was fine and hard to cope She never was a fighter until he laid beside her And gently whispered hope"
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Saturday Sixteen
2. I came up with a photography project for myself--the steeples of Cape Cod. If you know any churches with cool/different steeples on the Cape, send them my way. I saw a few cool ones this weekend...I think it'll be a spring/summer project.
3. I had a non-date tonight. Though, I'd eventually like it to be a date-date with this guy. We aren't sure this will happen. He needed to get back to St. Augustine and Thomas Aquinas tonight. Greta Jane knows this boy.
4. The next four weekends are going to be nutty. Next weekend, I go home to celebrate my 10th h.s. reunion and my dad's birthday. The following weekend, I'm taking a 4-day trip to D.C. to visit mostly with my best friend down there--we're supposed to see N&K, but now we might not. The first weekend in May is my bro's graduation in Ohio. The weekend after that, I am now spending 5 days in Miami (YAY!) to see my cousin graduate. My darling cousin Larissa will be in from London with her 2 year old and her 4 year old. Yippee!
5. We hired a new writer. I will soon have only one full time job and not 2...although we're adding to my job to change the title.
6. Netflix sent me 2 of the same disc instead of 2 different discs. I didn't realize this 3 days ago when I got the disc...I realized it today AFTER the mail had been picked up. So sad.
7. I'm ready for spring. It has not arrived in MA. They're still talking snow and Nor'easter conditions this week.
8. My favorite blanket in the world is a Holy Cross blanket made of a sweatshirt material. It is toasty warm and so soft--one of my favorite purchases of all time.
9. I miss teaching. I miss it more than I let myself admit. I miss being driven crazy on a daily basis and I miss the laughing--and the crying. I do NOT miss the planning and the grading--but distance makes me think that it wasn't all *that* bad.
10. A new favorite add to the ever-growing list:
"Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return." --Leonardo da Vinci
Kinda ironic given #9, eh?
11. Top travel destinations for my future include the 3 A's: Africa, Alaska and Australia, in no particular order. A trip back to Ireland to see my fam and ride some horses wouldn't be so bad either.
12. When I get my tax return, I should do the responsible thing and invest it. But there are fun things I'd rather do with it. I hate being an adult sometimes.
13. I haven't found a great church in this area yet. Therefore, I'm not going to church every week. I really should look harder in the coming months.
14. I still intend to participate in a triathlon this year...probably in late August. Therefore, I need to get my rear in gear! So that I can swim 3/4 of a mile, bike 30 miles and run a 10K--back to back to back.
15. I've been to 30 states (I think)...I'll possibly hit Texas in December, bringing the total to 31.
16. After this week, I will not work another full, 5-day week until May 21.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
The Yankees opened in the Bronx yesterday. And they won...and Mo Rivera appeared just for the fun of it. A-Rod wore the stirrup socks up high on Opening Day--my brother predicts that if he does this for the year, he will be MVP. I like that logic, even though I do not like A-Rod. He dropped a freakin' pop-up...but then he homered. We shall see if this is the year he steps up as a big time player in a big time market.
What made that victory sweeter? The Sox lost on opening the Kansas City Royals.
Good thing baseball is starting up--it helps with the letdown from March Madness. I could not have cared less about last night's FL v. OSU game, but tonight, Tennessee faces a scrappy Rutgers team and I'm psyched to watch it.
Life's been crazy this month. I'm doing 2 jobs at work until we hire a replacement for the development writer. While there are positives to the situation, my head is often spinning when I leave the office. I'm looking forward to heading home this weekend to celebrate my grandmother's birthday (we're not allowed to know how old) and a big family Easter with the DC, NY, CT and NJ cousins.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Monday at the BY
Here's my latest from my weekly BY group. NFN has been asking to hear more about my living situation--I could write for weeks--you all might hear some of it next weekend. But here's a little bit.
Sara unlocked the door to the apartment and stepped inside. She dropped a blue plastic bin overflowing with math tests and noun worksheets on the floor of the living room and grabbed a coke from the fridge. None of her roommates were back from work yet, so Sara settled in on the living room floor with her green pen, grade book and papers.
About halfway through the math tests, Sara heard a key in the door. Allison walked in and was down the hall in her bedroom before Sara could even say hello--not that Sara made any effort to call after her, either. After a year of living together, Sarah had grown tired of making the effort. Maybe this made her an equal partner in the problem.
Allison came back down the hall to flip through the mail on the kitchen table. She hadn't been home in a few days, so there was a stack.
"Hi, Al," Sara said, hesitantly.
Allison mumbled a greeting in return.
"How's it going? How's geometry?"
"Fine. Busy," Allison replied quickly before returning to her bedroom.
When Allison left 20 minutes later, Sara didn't even look up from her papers.
If someone came into the apartment and didn't know any better, one would assume that a group of friends occupied the small 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. The mantle and bookshelf were scattered with old family and friend photos of all four girls. Two desktop computers sat side-by-side on a long desk against the back wall of the living room.
Not so obvious was the fact that the four girls only had one bookshelf and one mantle, so it had to be shared space. The second bedroom was just big enough for two twin beds and two dressers, so the computers had to be in the living room. The kitchen table, which appeared homey with four bright placemats, was rarely used.
Sara had been sharing this space for almost a year. When she had decided to move 3,000 miles from home, the thought of living "in community" was appealling--not so scary to leave your whole world behind if you weren't going to be alone.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
A few photos

If you look closely, you can see Dave Hower behind Katryna. It was a fantastic show at the homey Iron Horse. I had a wonderful time with kj, jb and ces. Plus, I got to dance with Lila during Tailspin.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
I Am Living in Protest
So yeah, my week stinks. Sorry to vent. But there you have it.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
First snow and furniture
Just before Christmas, students on campus did this to one of the pipes on campus. It was finally painted over this week. Not a great picture, but I loved walking past this every morning.
And finally, I got new furniture. Found it on craigslist, got a pretty good deal AND they delivered it. Good thing too considering the armoire/entertainment center is 79"x50"x24x!!

Monday, January 29, 2007
I spent my weekend with basketball. In 3 days, I went to 4 games. Friday night, some work friends convinced me to join them for the HC men's game--the gym was packed. The game was being broadcast on ESPNU and it was Purple Pride Day--purple being HC's official color. Students were decked out in purple t-shirts, purple shorts, purple wigs, purple tights, purple boas and purple body paint. After the national anthem, they stayed on their feet and stood for the next 2 hours, jumping up and down, cheering and cursing at the refs every now and then. The end result was a HC victory--nice way to kick off the weekend.
Saturday afternoon, the HC women were up. I am a season ticket holder, and though we were off to a shaky 2-4 start in the league, thanks to 2 players blowing out their ACLs, I was hopeful. THe coach had provided me with tickets for my own 7th and 8th grade team and several of the girls were joining me. When I arrived at the gym, Emily, Emily and Bethie were waiting inside the door, already donning newly purchased purple t-shirts and rub-on tatoos. We waited for Ethel and Claire to arrive--they also had to buy purple t-shirts and wait in line for HC sophomores to apply Crusader head tatoos to their hands and cheeks.
Finally, we headed inside. I let the girls pick our seats--they wanted to sit next to the band, right under the basket--my least favorite vantage point. Quickly after tip-off, I realized that my vision of sitting and watching the game with the girls, discussing screens, offensive sets, and man to man defensewasn't going to happen. My girls were more interested in gossiping about boys at school and having their pictures taken with our big politacally incorrect Crusader mascot.
Sunday rolled around and it was time to coach. My head was so into the game (should we press? How can I get Michaela and Alysha in the game at the same time?) that I missed my exit. When I got to the gym, the girls were already warming up on the floor. 45 minutes, 4 time outs and lots of pacing later, we'd lost by 4. We played a good game and if 2 more of our shots had fallen, we'd have won.
To round off the weekend, I stayed and watched the game after ours. The team we (barely) beat last weekend was playing the team we will play next weekend. I wasn't planning to stay, but Michaela asked me to stay and watch the game--and discuss our loss. So, I watched my 4th game of the weekend, noting who we need to stop next weekend adn what we need to do to get a win--how to dominate in a 7th and 8th grade Catholic school league.
I need a new hobby.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Sometimes I live in a musical...
I can't sing. At all. It's frightening to hear me sing (a few of you have and I apologize). But I sing all the time. I sing in the car and I sing (quietly) in my office when music is playing. It makes me happy to sing. And oftentimes, like this morning, a song will pop into my head when I see a tree, a blue sky, a red car, kids walking to the bus...just about anything. Billy Joel, Guster, Broadway showtunes, Dar, Linda Eder, Counting Crows, Grey's Anatomy music, the Nields, the great Matt Harvey...they all pop into my head as I go about my day and sometimes I just can't help it--I sing along.
Also, I just want to point you all to a blog that you may or may not have time to visit and that you may or may not want to visit. Rob Rummel-Hudson has a blog (and a soon-to-be book) in which he tells tales of his life as father to his amazing 7 year old daughter, Schuyler. I don't know Schuyler or Rob, but I've been following their story for over 2 years. Schuyler can't speak...but somehow, thanks to Rob, we all hear her loud and clear. The top blog on this page is particularly fantastic, so I'm choosing now to share.
Schuyler's Monster
Friday, January 12, 2007
It's been a long week and I wish I had more to say. I promise to try to rally for a great entry or 2 next week. Happy Friday!
And if you haven't checked out Ms. kj's blog, get over there! She's a grandmother!!
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
2007 so far

This is my Christmas tree--the one I chopped down all on my own. It's the size of a Charlie Brown, but it has character.

This is my parents' tree. A 14 footer that put mine to shame.

Some of my favorite ornaments on the family tree.

My father and sister cleaning out my sister's car. My mother wanted the moment documented--I think it's the first time since my sister got the car 3 years ago that it's been cleaned!

Yarn! When N and I arrived on Friday afternoon, A took us for a walk in her neighborhood...which just so happened to include a stop at a yarn store called Loop. It provided a great chance for me to play with my camera while N shopped.

5. After lunch and yarn, we wandered into a British soap/lotion/shampoo store called "Lush." Phun Photo opportunities were everywhere.

Bath balls. According to N, drop one of these in the bathtub and they "plop, plop, fizz, fizz" like an Alkaseltzer, making for an enjoyable bathtime experience.

Shampoo bars. One of these is supposed to last 80 washes, according to the sign.

No trip to Philly is complete without cheesesteaks. Even if you have to wait in line.

7. Knitting in progress. N's sock and GJ's baby sweater.


Historic Philly.
9. Curious kitties.


G and I have similar taste in beer. It was a great party.
So there you have it--my vacation in a nutshell. So very happy that this is a short week. This weekend, I will see A again--and kj too!