Friday, November 30, 2007


I'm sorry. It's been a while...all 5 of you who read this blog!

Life has been crazy--the weekend before Thanksgiving, I helped out on a retreat for the College--50 18-22 year olds. I had a blast, though I'd lost my voice COMPLETELY 2 days before I was supposed to go, so that made things interesting. The weekend was wonderful...then it was back for 2 days at the office before Thanksgiving break. I had a wonderful time in NJ!

Today, I'm off to help out on a retreat for 60 (SIXTY!!!) high school students. What was I thinking?! Before I go, I need to get some work done and run a few errands on the way to the retreat. It's going to be FREEZING in New Hampshire this weekend.

I hope you all are well! I miss you and I'll share more musings and nuttiness next week.


Melissa said...

Good luck and have fun! I'm sure there will be plenty of nutty fodder for blogging when you get home! :) Hugs (nice warm ones!) ...

kj said...

my monday nights are not complete!


kris said...

M--stories are coming.

kj--You are too sweet. I miss you too! It's hard not to see you all (and Missy L) on a weekly basis. I can't wait for spring!