Friday, November 30, 2007
Life has been crazy--the weekend before Thanksgiving, I helped out on a retreat for the College--50 18-22 year olds. I had a blast, though I'd lost my voice COMPLETELY 2 days before I was supposed to go, so that made things interesting. The weekend was wonderful...then it was back for 2 days at the office before Thanksgiving break. I had a wonderful time in NJ!
Today, I'm off to help out on a retreat for 60 (SIXTY!!!) high school students. What was I thinking?! Before I go, I need to get some work done and run a few errands on the way to the retreat. It's going to be FREEZING in New Hampshire this weekend.
I hope you all are well! I miss you and I'll share more musings and nuttiness next week.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Thursday 13 (a day early...)
Just FYI, I am currently voice-less. I've had a cold and last night at about 7 o'clock, I said something outloud to myself (a frequent happening) and my voice was GONE. I haven't said much of anything today and still, it's pretty dead.
OK, on to the 13...
2. When it's on sale at CVS, I take advantage. Yes, I know Coca-Cola company is evil, but...well, I don't drink coffee and I need caffeine.
3. My bike. Triathlon # still attached under the seat. It's pretty and blue...though I haven't spoken to it in months.
6. A poster that needs to be framed and hung. My beloved Manhattan...subway routes.
8. My anthem...lyrics and illustrations by Nerissa and Katryna Nields. I love this.
9. Candles, candlesticks and snuff from Colonial Williamsburg. They're a housewarming gift from my mother's cousin--the one I lived with in DC. I love I need to have some people over for dinner to burn the candles!
10. Notecards. I love to send and receive cards. I was REALLY good about it in college and always have a big supply of cards--I just send them less frequently now. Darn age of the internet!
12. A Hundred Thousand Welcomes to you. This hangs just inside my front door, over the entry to the kitchen. I bought it at a fair in Los Angeles and it's been with me ever since.