This is for ~J~ I *believe* that it's Tracy and Jim on stage in this pic. 172 days from now, we'll be basking in the sun, the music, the friendship and the fun. It's my favorite weekend of the year. It's a feeling I can conjure up by popping in a simple CD...songs like The Sweetness, I Go Like the Raven, The Work that We Do, Eddie's Concubine, Shady Grove and City of New Orleans quickly bring me back to the big hill. I see friends I don't see during the rest of the year....
For those of you who've never been (A, I'm looking at you), FRFF is like Big Yellow times a gazillion. My first FRFF was in 2003...I'd just graduated with my masters and was facing yet another year of loneliness in LA. I came to Falcon Ridge with no expectations and being familiar with only the lovely songs of one Dar Williams. I spent over 72 hours in the company of some of my closest college friends...and friends of friends. I experienced music I'd never heard before...music that has changed my life in some ways and certainly music that has brought me joy--and friends--over the past 3 years. I was reminded of what happiness felt like--I'd almost forgotten.
Every year, when I return to Hillsdale, I'm filled with the same sense of awe and joy. I spend my days baking in front of the workshop stage, stealing some shade watching contra-line dancing...I spend my nights on a dark hillside with glo-sticks, headlamps, flashlights and cell phones as the lights on the hill. It takes my breath away each time. I don't even mind the portapotties and I smile at the cry of "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE!!" I climb into my tent at the end of each day, surrounded by the laughter and drunken debauchery of friends, lulled to sleep by far-away guitars and drum beats. Even the rain is cause for celebration.

I have 50 cents in FRFF funny money. I'm ready for July 20...now hurry up and get here.
Yes, we MUSt get A to the festival. I have been every year since 2000, and I know that no matter what else is going on in my life, as long as I am physically able, I will always be on that hill (or the new hill, I suppose) in July.
Add me to the I've-Never-Been-To-Falcon-Ridge Club! But man, do I want to go this year. I've already batted my eyelashes at Eli and asked if we could do the camp 'n' folk thing at FR. That shot of N&K is awesome. I miss the yellow house! You know that show Bear in the Big Blue House? All I can think of now is Nerissa in the Big Yellow House when Lottie watches the show now. :)
Melissa, it's such a family friendly environment. Charlotte and Iris would love it...and you'd have countless of us to entertain the girls day in and day out ;) We'd love to have you. We can form the "Big Yellow House" camp.
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