Thursday, January 26, 2006

2nd time in a day

So, yesterday, I received an email from Meg, a friend from college who is now a chaplain...we're both back working at HC. The email was to tell me about a conference she went to out in L.A. where she learned about CLCs (Christian Life Communities). Now, before you think I'm joining yet ANOTHER cult (WIUITG will always be #1 in my heart), let me explain.

"Rooted in Ignatian Spirituality, CLC’s are small faith-sharing groups that meet every week or every other week and can be found at most Jesuit colleges and universities across the country.CLC’s integrate spirituality, community, and service. Each CLC consists of 6-10 students as well as an 'adult companion.' Members of CLC's gather on a weekly or bi-weekly basis for an hour and have a structured time of community building, faith sharing, and prayer. The goal is to integrate one's spirituality into one's everyday life and to grow in knowledge and love of God. Members of CLC's will also try to build community with the members of their CLC. Most CLC's end up working to put their faith into action through service within the community."

I guess this makes me an "adult companion." Do I strike any of you as resembling an adult? On second thought, don't answer that. However, because I'm a sucker (which I'm sure is the real reason the Chaplains' Office asked me--in 8 years, I've never been able to say no to them), I said yes. In truth, the concept fascinates me. Also, I've wanted a way to connect with some students on campus, since the D office doesn't have much direct contact.

However, facilitating community, faith sharing and prayer...putting faith in action through service?! Oy vey. I mean, this is who I am, it's what I do, it's what I LOVE...but sitting in a room with 6-10 college kids as the facilitator sounds a little intimidating. I've done it with 7 year olds, I've done it with high schoolers, but something tells me some of these kids will be smarter than me.

The religion geek side of me is excited. I love religion, theology, faith and service. I love to sit in a room with like-minded people and discuss service and justice...and then try to do something about it. It's who HC shaped me to be. So, I get to create a space for students to journey together, to explore their faith and see where it takes them. I'll probably learn a lot too.

I'm terrified.

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