Monday, April 24, 2006


Ahhhhh..."spring" in New England. 80 degrees last week, 40s and rain today and all weekend long. Real nice.

While AWP missed her plane, and every Southwest flight to Hartford, Providence AND Manchester was oversold for the ENTIRE weekend, she did take the overnight Amtrak in the end (I do appreciate my friends). I picked her up at 7 AM on Saturday morning (ouch) and we proceeded with our weekend. Saturday morning was shot, b/c she needed to get some sleep, but the rest of the weekend went as planned. Life does work out in the end.

The show on Saturday night was, of course, fabulous. Some good fun and I look forward to Falcon Ridge even more now. Plus, they played Cool in the Backseat which is just FUN. And Easy People off-mic--is there anything prettier?

OK, back to work...I'm still a little exhausted from the craziness of the weekend, but I'll bounce back. If only the weather would bail me out a little bit!


kris said...

OMG!!! Off to delete. It didn't go through and I got error messages. But I guess blogger later decided to like it ;)

Melissa said...

Oh, I love Cool in the Backseat!! It must have been super live! And that grill aside ... gross. Gross, gross, gross!! But it made me laugh the way you wrote it. :)