Friday, July 07, 2006

Friday Shufflin'

Once again, it's time for the Random Ten. Set those 'pods a-shufflin' and tell the fine folks of the blogosphere what's spinnin'. No skipping tracks or rationalizing.
Here's the juice:

1. Hallelujah (Grace)--Jeff Buckley
2. Perfect (Goldfly)--Guster
3. Three Hits (Rites of Passage)--Indigo Girls
4. We're Okay (Rent: Original Broadway)--Cast
5. Blood and Fire (Indigo Girls)--Indigo Girls
6. Eternal Flame (Lilith Fair)--Susana Hoffs
7. Either Way (Fooling Around)--Fools on the Hill
8. The Night Before (Help)--Beatles
9. Happy Frappy (Parachute)--Guster
10. Rent (Rent: Original Broadway)--Cast

Seen Live: Guster, Indigo Girls, Rent, Fools

Majorly Enjoyed: Hallelujah, Either Way, Happy Frappy, Rent

Minorly Enjoyed: Blood and Fire

Favorite Album: Rites of Passage or Parachute

Favorite Lyric: Struggling to content ourselves with what we think best/That what makes happy of which we seem never full/Is actually more than plenty though it is already possessed


Nichole said...

I love that Susana Hoffs song from the Lilith fair CD! Do you have any of her other stuff? (I don't, but I've always wondered)

kris said...

No other tunes by her, but I do love Eternal Flame!