Monday, July 10, 2006


I am in love, my friends. His name is Jack. He has long arms and endless legs. His fingers are long and skinny. His mouth is kissable and he has deep, soulful blue-grey eyes. His jet black hair is looks ready for a mohawk. My heart melted the moment I saw him.

He is 6 days old.

My weekend was delightful. Friday night, I went into Boston with friends from work for tapas--YUM! Saturday, after seeing my boss' daughter play in a b-ball game, I headed home to NY/NJ for my cousin's college grad party. The apartment is at 22nd and Park and we were on the roof. It was a perfect NYC evening...not too hot, not too humid, no rain...we watched the sun set over the Hudson and had a view of the Chrysler, Empire State and Met Life buildings. Make-your-own-fajita dinner, surrounded by cousins (some of whom I saw in NC, some of whom I didn't), a little time with my parents, siblings and was a great night. Without fail, these nights turn into an opportunity to tell stories about my mom and her cousins growing up, or my generation of cousins as kids. Always fun.

Yesterday, I headed north, with a stop off in CT to see baby Jack. He'd just finished eating, so he was full and happy...he passed out in my arms for an hour and a half...I could have sat there with him all day.

I'm only here today and tomorrow at work, then I head to SC for a conference Wednesday til Friday. I have so much to do at work that I'm a bit overwhelmed, but it'll all get done.


kj said...

your post is confirmation of an unfoldingly good summer--i can feel the nyc evening breeze from your description, kris. sounds like you've got a really nice family.


kris said...

kj, my family is a wonderful kind of chaos, indeed! the summer is going swimmingly (pun intended).

a, i'll try to give you a call this week. i'm in SC tomorrow night and thursday night and will likely have downtime if you're around!

kris said...

fabulous ;)