Friday, July 28, 2006


It's Friday again. This weekend will be spent hanging around the house, relaxing, swimming, some grocery shopping. I'm looking forward to a bit of downtime.

Alright, here we go. You know the drill. Shuffle up and deal. No apron-wringing!

1. party generation (end of summer)--dar williams
2. heading home (love and china)--nerissa and katryna nields
3. happy frappy (parachute)--guster
4. strangers like me (disney's greatest hits 3)--phil collins
5. love me do (1)--the beatles
6. jennifer falling down (play)--the nields
7. this town is wrong (if you lived here, you'd be home now)--the nields
8. mona lisa (parachute)--guster
9. stupid (afterglow)--sarah mclachlan
10. phantom doll (flower of avalon)--tracy grammer

Seen Live: Dar, N&K, Guster, Tracy

Majorly enjoying: Heading Home, Happy Frappy, Phantom Doll--this is a pretty stellar set, though.

Memory Trigger: Strangers Like Me used to stop my friend's son from crying on a dime. The opening chords would sound, and even if Ben was in major meltdown mode, he'd immediately stop crying and listen intently.

Favorite Lyric: will i say "i love you" even when they are just words/the way words sometimes are when you pray


Melissa said...

I seriously need that Tracy Grammer album ... and, gasp, I don't have Drum, Hat, Buddha yet!! What's wrong with me??

kris said...

M-I just ordered Tanglewood Tree with my Seven is the Number album. But Flower of Avalon is ridiculously fabulous...and Drum, Hat, Buddha was my intro to D&T, so I love that one too.

I liked seeing in A's comments that the girlies love the new family album. It really is a great one, eh?

Melissa said...

K - I just ordered Drum, Hat, Buddha and Flower of Avalon! :) It's high time for some new music and reading all the blogs from BY I'm reminded that music is essential to our creativity and I've been neglecting that. I love that lyric you posted, too -- so honest and true. Oh, the cover art for Flower of Avalon is *amazing*!!