2. I believed in Santa for a long time. Wait, I still believe in Santa. But I believed Santa was a real live person living on the North Pole until I was about 10...which is relatively late, I think. This is because every year on Christmas Eve, my mother's uncle would call all of the cousins in my generation--but we didn't know it was Uncle Ed. It was Santa--complete with Mrs. Claus and jingling bells in the background (thanks, Aunt Nancy!). Uncle Ed called our parents in the days before Christmas Eve--he knew what we wanted, what we were getting, etc. It was the best and I'm hoping one of my uncles eventually picks up the tradition.
3. T was visiting NYC and asked if I'd consider meeting up with her to attend the Nields show a few weekends ago. I gladly agreed. T took the train to my hometown where I picked her up and she stayed with my family for the weekend. We had an awesome time in NYC--great show. But something stole N&K's thunder. Santacon: HUNDREDS of people dressed as Santa!! Even at the pizza joint we picked for dinner:
4. T also made me hand warmers!! That I *l0ve* because you can write and type with them on:
5. I have been home SO little in the last 7 weeks that I didn't get a tree :( T saw my tree at home in NJ--and had a few laughs at my father's resistance to a tree entering the house at ALL. I did however get a real wreath and every once in a while, I get a waft of pine. I also put up lights.
6. Basketball has started again. We won our first game by 4 points. I yelled myself hoarse. Our 2nd game was cancelled--we don't play again until 2008. I loved our girls last year. I still love our 8th graders. But a few of these 7th graders are so adorable, I want to take them home!
7. I've had 2 baby showers in the last month or so. I give books. Though I could walk into Carters and buy everything in the place. That's why I stick to bookstores. I know what my favorites are and I get those.
8. On my most recent trip to the children's section, I found this book. And bought it for myself as it was about $3. It was a favorite of mine and I hadn't seen it in years. I do plan to need it eventually.
9. We have a stinkin' department luncheon for work tomorrow. Almost 40 minutes from work! The really crappy part is that our VP will expect us to return to our desks after lunch. To be honest, I'd rather spend the Friday before Christmas with the 2 or 3 people in my department I really enjoy, instead of all of us pretending to be one happy family!
10. I'm loving the new job. The writing is a challenge all day every day, but I think I'll settle in. I adore Father (pres. of college), and I am loving getting to spend some time with him and learning more about him.
11. I miss BY. I took the winter session off, which was a wise decision given the amount of snow we've been buried under for a week! But I miss my spot on the rug and I miss my writing buddies. My Monday group isn't as awesome as our retreat group, but I still love them and I feel like I'm missing out on huge chunks of their lives and stories!
12. You would think making mix cds would be easy and fun, right? For me, it's just stressful. Which songs do I pick? Will the person love them as much as I do? What is a good balance? What is a good ratio of Guster to Nields, Joel and Springsteen to Crooked Still and Tracy Grammer? How should I order the songs? These decisions truly cause me agida.
13. I am not packed for tomorrow. This is not good as I need to be packed before I leave my house at 8:30. That proably means I should stop blogging, right?
Hooray for a 13 by K! :) I love the Santacon ... hysterical! I love the give books at showers, too -- Goodnight Moon is one of my favorites, along with the Monster at the End of the Book. I'm so glad the new job is good and that basketball is up and going again. Four months to April ... I miss BY, too.
Yay for pizza-eating Santas! Have a wonderful Christmas, and enjoy the mid-sized tree at home!
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