Monday, July 09, 2007

Stolen from kj

OK, life's been nutty. And the 2 times I've tried to blog in the last month, blogger has been wonky. Here's another go at it...and because I'm feeling lazy, I'm stealing a quiz/survey thingy from kj. Maybe my next post will be the necessities for vacation--or Falcon Ridge as it may be.

A is for age: 28...though most people would put my inner child at about 7.

B is for beer of choice: Sam Adams Summer Ale...or Blue Moon.

C is for career: I'm currently in higher education...working for my alma mater and enjoying it as a job. But not as a career or a vocation.

D is for favorite Drink: CocaCola. Even if it means I am somehow evil in the eyes of some...I don't drink coffee, but I need caffeine! Iced tea is the runner up.

E is for Essential item(s) you use everyday: Toothbrush and toothpaste, for sure. Glasses or contacts so that I can see the world around me.

F is for Favorite song at the moment: So hard to choose. I've been singing along quite loudly to Dar's "The Hudson" in the last few days.

G is for favorite Game: Basketball.

H is for How About Whatever Favorite I Choose: favorite summer smell is rain.

I is for Instruments played: Guitar and Piano, both badly.

J is for favorite Juice: Cranberry juice

K is for Kids: I'm pro-kids ;) None for me at the moment, but I'll have a basketball team one of these days. For now, I borrow other people's children whenever they allow.

L is for last kiss: That's for me to know...

M is for marriage: Again, I'm pretty much pro-marriage, for any and all who want to enter into the union.

N is for full Name: In the interest of anonymity, first name starts with K, middle name begins with F and is my maternal grandmother's maiden name...and, I'm a Mc.

O is for Overnight hospital stays: Let's see, at least 2 nights at the age of 14 months for toe amputation, one night at the age of 13 for screws and plates in my forearm...I think that's it.

P is for phobias: No real phobias. Things I don't like, but no real phobias.

Q is for quote: "Oy with the poodles already."

R is for biggest Regret: Try not to have them. The worst decision I ever made still gave me a lot of great gifts.

S is for sports: I am pro-sports. To the point that I watched the Wimbledon finals yesterday even though I find tennis boring. Federer and Nadal are anything but boring. My Yanks are having a rough go of it, but I still love my boys from the Bronx. March Madness is a month of pure joy.

T is for Time you wake up: Depends...lately, I've been getting up at least once a week to work out before lunch--what is happening to me?!

U is for color underwear: whatever's on top of the pile

V is for Vegetable you love: Cucumbers and asparagus

W is for Worst Habit: I defer...if there's a decision to be made, I'd rather *anyone* other than me make it.

X is for X-rays you’ve had: Not counting dental x-rays, well, I can't even count. Seriously--I mean, just last week I had at least 4 taken of my knees. I should have a custom-made lead shield.

Y is for Yummy food you make: Lasagna

Z is for Zodiac sign: Stubborn as a bull, that's me! Somehow, I don't think I could be anything but Taurus.


Nichole said...

Peas aren't your favorite food??? ;) I had a DREAM about edamame last night. How weird is that?

Melissa said...

Hi K! I'm so glad you posted! And I loved reading it. I had no idea you loved b-ball and kids ... har har. ;) Did you know I like dogs and cold weather? Count down to Oct ... three months ... xoxo