Thursday, October 12, 2006


Sorry I've been MIA. Work has been absolutely crazy and I'm pretty spent. I will try to catch up on your blogs tonight and tomorrow night. I'm thinking of you all though...and getting increasingly excited for the Big Yellow retreat. 15 days!

1. I bought a 6-pack of Blue Moon last night.
2. Since I don't have roommates to drink/eat my stuff anymore, the remaining 5 bottles should last me til Thanksgiving.
3. I love the fall.
4. I'm going to my 2nd wedding as many weekends on Saturday night.
5. The director of the Chaplains' Office at HC is one of my favorite people in the world.
6. We scheduled our first lunch of the school year for the Friday of retreat weekend--great way to start if all off.
7. Next week, my grandmother's cousins are coming from Ireland for 5 days--they've never been to the States. I'm psyched to see them.
8. Thanks to my parents, my apartment now has a love seat in the living room.
9. After boiling pasta for dinner last night, I realized I had neither tupperware for the leftovers or a colander to drain the ravioli.
10. In using the top to drain the water, I dumped half the pasta down the drain. That solved the leftovers problem.
11. I ordered new stationery this week.
12. The cards are handmade by my youth minister from high school. Weehah! Cards
13. Let's Go Mets! (I'm still a (depressed) Yankee fan, but in their absence, I'll pull for the Mets)


Nichole said...

#1...I bought a 4 pack of "fancy" wine coolers last night...hesitated because they were 6 dollars, then justified it by the fact that they would last me at least a month.

Melissa said...

Stationery is one of my favorite things to get myself! I'm going to go check out the website now ... :) I'm so sorry about the death of the Yankee pitcher! :(

kris said...

N--it's comforting to know they are there, isn't it? For an evening after a hard day...or just one where we want to sit and think a while.

M--I just got the cards I ordered and I adore them. She was a huge part of my high school years and it's fun to still be in touch.