Wednesday, September 06, 2006

cross your fingers, please

The apartment hunt continues. I went to see a place last night--the location is GREAT, but the apartment was old. Appliances were new, but the wallpaper, paint and ceiling tiles needed major attention. And they are asking the same price as some of the "brand new" place I've seen! My friend at work told me today that her grandmother lived in the building 30 years ago--and I honestly don't think they've repainted since! I'm going to see another one tomorrow in a condo complex. I like the location, the woman who owns the condos that I'd be renting seems very very nice. Cross your fingers that it works!

On the bright side, NFN just sent out an email to my Monday group and I am beyond excited. It also made me giddy for October. Can't wait to see some of you!


kj said...

my fingers are crossed, as are my legs and eyes. i have a good feeling for you!

ps i'm giddy about monday nights too. :)

Melissa said...

Hee hee, I'm with KJ -- all body parts are officially crossed! :) One of the first things I thought when I turned the calendar to Sept ... October is NEXT MONTH!!

kris said...

kj--less than a week!

a--no worries, but let's touch base soon. i've missed ya!

m--thanks for all the crossings (all of you!)...keep them crossed, the hunt continues.