Sunday, August 06, 2006

a belated 13

I took a last minute trip to the Cape with my mom, aunt and nana from Tuesday evening til yesterday morning. I missed y'all.

1. I am singing and dancing to Tailspin right now. I also just got 2 new Dave and Tracy cds (Seven is the Number and Tanglewood Tree). I am a musically satisfied girl.

2. With all the travelling both near and far I've done this summer, I'm feeling a little scattered.

3. My bedroom (and my desk at work) reflect this!

4. Just when I thought my travels were over, I got a call yesterday saying that my cousin Larissa is coming from England for 2 weeks. She will be with her husband and their 2 young kids--so there will be another long weekend in the next 3 weeks--likely on MD's Eastern Shore.

5. As a result of my "scatteredness," I bought 2 desk calendars (one for work and one for home) and a new planner yesterday--to feign organization and planning.

6. I smiled a huge smile when I wrote in the October retreat at Big Yellow.

7. I love everything about the ocean--the sound, the smell, the saltiness it leaves on my skin. You could see the Vineyard from the beach this week and I just wanted to swim all the way there.

8. I am woefully out of shape. Every Sunday, I think, "This is going to be the week I start hitting the gym."

9. Considering I have access to the on-campus pool/track/gym for FREE, it's pathetic that I haven't gotten there yet.

10. In 10 months, my brother will graduate with his BA on a Sunday. We will then haul ass from western OH to NJ where my mother will graduate with her Ed.D. on Monday.

11. Though I love my current job and situation, I contemplate going back to school regularly--for about 6 different things.

12. When I taught, the younger kids all called me "Miss Q"--this turned into the big kids just calling me "Q"--I loved it all.

13. I have not been to church in a couple of months. I am feeling a wee bit guilty and need to get in the habit again.


kj said...

dear ms. q: i have missed you. your summer trips with family sound really good--worth the scatteredness.

here it is august and soon summer will be fall. and soon fall will be writing together again.

ps i had no idea your mom is getting an Ed.D--that is cool.

kris said...

Yeah, my mom's pretty cool. I'm so proud of her, but it's hilarious too. Like she's in college again. She actually lived on campus for the month of July--I'd call her and she'd be in the hall working on a group project, or having a study session.