Thursday, February 09, 2006

oldest child syndrome

There are several ways the oldest child syndrome manifests. There's the perfectionist, the over-achiever, the people pleaser. I'm the people pleaser. I'm not a perfectionist, really...though I want to succeed, I want to do well, it's not the kind of drive some oldest kids have. I suppose I'm a bit of an over-achiever...I did really well in school--I liked making my parents proud (oh, look at that people pleasing!). Really, it was always about wanting people to like me--my teachers, other mentors, my peers--a never-ending battle.

The problem with people pleasing is that I constantly put other people before me. I think of how my choices will affect everyone around me. Of course, no choice is ever going to make everyone happy and I'm always going to let someone down. I hate that. I torture myself when making decisions, big and small. If I take the job in MA, then I'm disappointing my family in DC, abandoning the girls I could be teaching in B-more...even though MA will make me happier. For 3 days, I went back and forth, trying to decide which decision would make the most people happy--not what would make me happy. It's a vicious cycle. I've had numerous people in my life try to get me to put myself first--but it seems selfish to me. Intellectually, I know it's not, but I don't know how to get around my heart. I knew what the right job was...and I eventually took it and it IS right. Yet, now, when people ask me what I do, I always qualify it with "I used to teach and I'll go back to it someday." Like people will judge me or look down on me or something if I just say "This is my job and right now, I love it."

I'm really rambling right now. Y'all have A to thank for this--her earlier blog got me thinking. No easy answers and I don't see a change coming anytime soon. Just something for me to think about.

forgiveness for the things i've done you blame me for (for good, wicked)


Nichole said...

I'm the oldest child too. Like A, I'm also the perfectionist.

Melissa said...

I was the youngest for a while, and I am total people pleaser -- I agonize over what people will think or say when I make decisions, but I'm working really hard at this ... terribly hard habit to break!! So glad your blog is back K!! :)